post your pic.....

AngelinaBlakkheim said:
Right, and no one writes songs for brown eyes because they are so overrated... :mad:
I'll take the blind mask from Fatal Frame and rip my eyes out :mad:

you don't need to do that. Donn't worry, I will write a song for brown eyes. :cool:
This brownie is yummy!
It's the greatest brownie known to man!
It's chewy! It's nutty!
This brownie's really good!
Don't offer me a macaroon
My brownie suits me fine!
There's frosting on the top,
and best of all, it's mine!

Eat the brownie! Eat the brownie!
Eat the brownie! Eat the brownie!

Let's go home!

I shimmer, electric!
I'm a one-man marching brownie band!
I love it, my brownie!
And my brownie loves me too
It's smooth, it's sweet, it's choc'latey!
It forms a perfect square
And the bestest part of all is I don't have to share!

Doesn't have to share!

The bestest part of all is I don't have to share!

Eat the brownie! Eat the brownie!
Eat the brownie! Eat the brownie!
What about this:

That brown eyes, yeah the spotlight, shines upon you
And how could, anybody, deny you

I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter, now I’ve met you
And honey you should know, that I could never go on without you

Brown eyes

Honey you are the sea
Upon which I float
And I came here to talk
I think you should know

That brown eyes, you’re the one that I wanted to find
And anyone who, tried to deny you must be out of their mind

Cause I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter, since I met you
Honey you should know, that I could never go on without you

We did aerial photography at school on Friday. So here are photos of some paddocks, bits of my city, and a shot out the back of the plane. I also took some photos at the snow of some of my friends.










@silent paragon: WHOW!!! I love those pics from above :goggly: awesome!!! I'd also like to take some "plane-shots" ... ...and I love snow *miss it* =)

@Angelina: ... *hihi* look what I have for you!... And I told you, it's definitely NOT his best side... but well... you can have a closer look at his neck... his hair ... ah well, whatever... ... and that blonde guy on his left *HAHA* ... isn't it scary what strange people are creeping in the background when you try to take some serious meant pics at a Celtic Frost concert?! Unbelievable!!! They spoilt our beautiful pic (; (; (;


...I start feeling like a living katatonia-advertisement <.<" *cough*