post your pic.....

Hevimees said:
Sorry, it's "only" 9% alcohol. But you are right, it's downright delicious :) Too bad the only place that sells it here is a local pub, where an 0,33l bottle costs 7,20€ :erk:

I tasted the blue label of it.%12 alcohol.
MadTinus said:
Nice Bloodbath shirt!!

Thanks. I hardly ever wear it though, since it's slightly too big for me. I was stupid and ordered a size L, when an M would have been just right. Maybe I should just sell it on eBay and buy another shirt to replace it...
dark_Exile said:
Ah you are right.
I could swear that it has got %12 percentage.
Anyways its still best beer in the world.

Maybe you're confusing it with some other beer? Though right now I can't think of any that has exactly 12%. Trappistes Rochefort 10 has 11,3% alcohol, so that one comes close.

Too bad the government's alcohol monopoly "Alko" doesn't sell it here in Finland, we can only get Rochefort 8. But that's one great as well, and since it costs only 2,79€ I can hardly complain.

Are there any Belgian folks on the forum? How much do these beers cost there?
Ahh i remember it was Duwel.I drunk some Duwel after Chimay in an awesome pub.They were circa 4 euro.Duwel has got %12.5 alcohol and much foam.
Its a very specialised beer just like Chimay
Hevimees said:
Maybe you're confusing it with some other beer? Though right now I can't think of any that has exactly 12%. Trappistes Rochefort 10 has 11,3% alcohol, so that one comes close.

Too bad the government's alcohol monopoly "Alko" doesn't sell it here in Finland, we can only get Rochefort 8. But that's one great as well, and since it costs only 2,79€ I can hardly complain.

Are there any Belgian folks on the forum? How much do these beers cost there?

I'm Belgian, and I can tell you this is beer paradise.
A Chimay like those we were drinking on the photos was 2.60 €
It strongly depends on the place. In some places it will be 2 €, others will be even 3.50.

Chimay isn't the only good one at all though. If you get the chance to taste Affligem, do it. That's from the monestry that's right in my neighbourhood. And it has been awarded best beer in the world 2 or 3 times so far.

I think Belgium's best known specialized beers are Leffe, Hoegaarden, Affligem, Chimay, Duvel and Grimbergen.

On a sidenote: I don't like normal beer at all, only specialized ones.
Delirium Tremens is not bad also.

By the way belgian beer is the only good thing about Belgium i guess. :D
If you travel to Brusseles someday visit "Loplop"....250 kinds of delicious belgian beers and cheapest prices in Europe.

Also if you want some discount and occasion at the pubs speak with bartenders if you are in Flanders north belgium just speak ill of Frenchs and Waloons but if you are in the south(especially Brusseles)just speak ill of Flamans(dutch belgians)and tell them jokes about their ridicolous mentality.It really works. :D
Her name is Candy. But it's not my dog, it's from my ex-girlfriend. But I'm babysitting sometimes.

You're too cute. :)
when will we see some more pictures of you?
I hope we meet again on msn. The time difference sucks.. :(
Catherine. said:
Hevimees is your doggy a daschund?

Yes, he is a regular sized dacschund. A rather big one actually, he weighs approximately 13,5kg.

dark_Exile said:
Ahh i remember it was Duwel.I drunk some Duwel after Chimay in an awesome pub.They were circa 4 euro.Duwel has got %12.5 alcohol and much foam.
Its a very specialised beer just like Chimay

That's odd. The Duvel they sell in Finland has 8,5%. I guess it's possible they have that one in different strenghts. Could Cerulean comment on this one?

EDIT: I serched the internet and everywhere it said that Duvel is 8,5%. Maybe you had a few too many? :heh:

Cerulean said:
I'm Belgian, and I can tell you this is beer paradise.
A Chimay like those we were drinking on the photos was 2.60 €
It strongly depends on the place. In some places it will be 2 €, others will be even 3.50.

Chimay isn't the only good one at all though. If you get the chance to taste Affligem, do it. That's from the monestry that's right in my neighbourhood. And it has been awarded best beer in the world 2 or 3 times so far.

I think Belgium's best known specialized beers are Leffe, Hoegaarden, Affligem, Chimay, Duvel and Grimbergen.

On a sidenote: I don't like normal beer at all, only specialized ones.

Damn I'm jealous...

By normal beer I assume you mean light lagers like Heineken, Carlsberg and similar stuff? Those things are rather dull drinks.