Aah... too many great pics! I can't write a thing, lol
The ISIS t-shirt! <3
The Sith! We love Siths, of course.
Pics from Germany <3
@sparrowsblood: love your doggies!

And that pic with Reece!
@Markus: that's one lovely pic with your Candy

but I must say she has the "psycho puppy from hell" face

Anyway we're all psychos here so it's ok.
@Swany: Aww you are THE sweet

Post more pics! doesn't matter which side is Ihsahn showing...
@Eve: cool pic! but don't hide behind your hand
I'm happy as well cause I'm gonna see Anathema in october and then going to the Creamfields in november
Oh, such beautiful people here <3 I love you all today... just today.