post your pic.....

this is me extremely drunk
@Verwuestung: Lol Dutch people are fukkin greedy.. but when it comes to booze.. they tend to forget about that xP

Irja said:
this pic is awesome!
² (;

@Unicorn: I wonder of how many people you have folders right now, you OBSESSIVE NERD! :rolleyes: :Smug:

@FatefuL: Haha... ahahahaa *lol* ... ;D now there's one question: Who was the first to do that pic?! (;

@Hypnos: Poser... like always *g* ... but concerning your horn... I love it! :goggly: my friend [that guy friday morning with that primordial shirt] was also quite impressed *haha*

@Angelina: AWWW!!! No, no, no! Don't listen to them! Come and marry me! *harrharr* ;D
Ok I've been putting this off too long.
Hi all I'm Chad, still fairly new to the board so I wanted to put a couple of pics up so you can put a name to a face.

All pics taken 6/30/06 tailgating before NIN concert.

Here's me and my twin(I'm the one sporting the TD shirt).


Beer in one hand, Southern Comfort and Coke in the other....nothing good can come of this


Garbage pile in early stages...bonus points to anyone who can point out the Kata-connection in this, it's not the empty beer cans :lol:


Sorry for the size of the pics.. it's late and I don't know how to make them smaller..
Thanks Kata-peoples!!