post your pic.....

good call Hobo (since you posted the answer first; no offense MadTinus) I was indeed looking for someone to point out the '93 white 900 convertible (my bro's car).
Saab is awesome but after german company Opel bought it its really changed.They are using Opel Vectra parts in new series.
But volvo is the real car.No matter norland or gotland its always rules.One day i am gonna buy a S40 T4.Yes one day..



Woot for mirror shots! Hey, if it's 2 am and noone is around to hold the camera, why not?


One day I'll have to buy a real camera :/


Well, since everyone posted their gear I may as well show my crap.

From left to right;
Helga - Crappy squire that I just beat on... it's the red-headed step-child of the family
Katie - Ibanez RG220B. My first guitar and my dearest ;) I finally found out that they discontinued making them a while back when I was searching for the specific pressure plate (lost one and a locking nut :( )
Isabel - Ibanez GAX-70. Just another cheapo to beat on. Also the drop d geeeeetar!
Amps (Not in the pic) - Unsure of the exact models but there's a 15 watt crate and a 25 watt peavey lurking around somewhere :/

paradoxile said:
You'll never look like a dick even if you try hard...I guess it's because you have boobies and you look hot:grin:

кровавоя дева:rock:

And it was all for having boobies and being hot? LOL! Men... :rolleyes:

Hello Weazel and welcome to the Katatonia's kind of asylum.
Your username reminds me of that squirrel that sang fastly and suddenly said WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and so on... it has nothing to do but eh.. it reminds me. Forget it.

@Scourge: have you ever been told that you look like Jesus? (: