post your pic.....

Yeah, I' having difficulty finding a job because of my hair :mad:

I don't understand why my hair is a problem..I can tie it back that way it isn't in my face and doesn't look unprofessional..and girls can have long hair in the workplace.. so wtf

I feel for ya, it sucks. I felt the same way too, it just makes no sense.
Those kind of things are just sick. Even in a country like a Sweden that is supposed (notice supposed) to be progressed much of that kind of shit goes on. Shirts, piercings and hair cuts/colors are still prohibited in many places.. while there are other "groups" who have insane rights.

From last September. And yes I look like an idiot.
You have a skinner waste then a lot of girls Greg. If the resolution on your computer is not set correctly for your screen it can stretch all your images making everything look fat.

My screen it stretched and he still doesn't look fat!

Most of the people at my work have long hair, tattoos and piercings. It's great! I just wear whatever I want cause I don;t see the public.
i work with the public and have long hair (but its ok, because i'm a girl :p) i also have visible piercings and tattoos. I hope I get hired for my skills and not looks.
Had a fairly epic storm the other day. got a few shots as it passed right over.


Seriously, the most hail I've seen here in a long time


These few are after the storm had passed



this photo doesn't do this justice. it looked so much more awesome to the eye.


I have many more, but too may for here.