Post your xmas haul!

I got a couple of shirts, some cologne, a $50 Visa gift card, 4 movies and...


Planet Waves auto-trim locking tuners, EMG-89 (both for my Gibson Explorer), a Korg Pitch Black pedal tuner and a Korg nanoKEY.

I got a couple of shirts, some cologne, a $50 Visa gift card, 4 movies and...


Planet Waves auto-trim locking tuners, EMG-89 (both for my Gibson Explorer), a Korg Pitch Black pedal tuner and a Korg nanoKEY.


I was very iffy about having those tuners on my custom, and it turns out they are great. Enjoy them, the auto trim is nice:)

I have a never used EMG 85 for sale to go along with that 89 you just got:heh:
Here is what I got-
$150 in various gas, food, store gift cards.
Craftsman C3 drill (hate craftsman, but that C3 line is good shit)
Carton of Camel Lights.
Book- Glenn Beck 'Arguing With Idiots'
Range bag for my pistol

Yep, normal Christmas here. Seems like I get the same stuff every year.
Haha, well I have an 81/85 in it now, curious to try the 89 per recommendations from some guys :) Glad to hear the PW tuners are good, I was spoiled by the locking Sperzels on my EC1k, can't wait to install this shiz tomorrow!
Money, two books, a Giorgio Armani "men's collection" pack, chocolate and candy. Nothing out of the ordinary. Though you could count the iPod Touch I got about two months ago, I just got it early since my former iPod broke.

Money's going to go to new gear obviously, I'm just not quite sure about what to buy yet.
Birthday was on the 21st so I'll include that...

Citizen leather band watch
Merkur safety razor
I Love You, Man DVD
-The Fray - S/T
-DMB - Big Whiskey and the Groogrux King
-OneRepublic - Waking Up
-John Mayer - Battle Studies
-Colbie Caillat - Breakthrough
-Creed - Full Circle
-30 Seconds to Mars - This Is War
Giftcards to Nordstrom, Chipotle, local burrito place

Annnnd of course, that ridiculously cool Stinnett guitar. :)
Glad to hear the PW tuners are good, I was spoiled by the locking Sperzels on my EC1k, can't wait to install this shiz tomorrow!

Much better than the Sperzels IMO. I find myself tuning the guitar a lot less often. And the 18:1 ratio is something to be proud of.
SX 5 string bass
$40 game stop gift cards
6 psp games
underwear and socks
a lamp
dvd recordable discs
$50 to JC pennys
$50 to musiciansfriend (not by choice, I don't like that company) - I'm turning this into a SDX (new york volume 2)
A mic stand

I dunno, other joint gifts for me and my wife like bed shit and stuff.
My local tech (who is one of the most respected luthiers in the area) thinks really highly of those Planet Waves tuners Mike, so that's good enough for me! :rock:

And for me, since my birthday is also close to XMAS (the 19th, as some may remember :D) I got Modern Warfare 2 on 360, Uncharted 2 (on PS3, naturally), the entire Carl Sagan "Cosmos" DVD set (it's like 9 freakin' DVD's - thanks to that awesome vid that iekobrid posted :rock: ), and a beautiful bronze carving of running wolves that my Mom got at a local Native American store:

A spice rack containing some great spices and reusable containers.
A book called "low carb - high protein" which is all about cooking meat.
Another book about cooking nothing but barbecue.
ANOTHER book (an old one that belonged to my Dad) about butchering up many different kinds of animals and the different cuts of meat.
A mortar and pessel.
A bottle of liquid smoke.
A mortar and pessel.
Money (which combines with my birthday money I'll receive in February, and go towards my new - and first - rifle to go hunting with).
1. mic stands
2, cables
3, 20' viso hd
4. new phone
5. terabit hd
6. some hygene stuff (gotta keep dat swagga
7. blank cds
8. lady gaga the fame monster <33333333333

merry christmas everyone
oh i got my mom and dad a wii with wii resort and mario galaxy and 2 controllers, they are having the time of their lifes
Is that dried spooge running down the side of your wall? Nice aim Marcus.


Not much here on my xmas haul tbh, I always get the money from everyone as they are either lazy bastards or i'm too picky. One tonne of chocolate, a few dvds & shirts and usual smellies. Adam sub that was meant to be here on christmas eve hasnt showed up yet GRR. On a side note, I cant believe how busy this forum is even on Christmas, we are truely the geek brigade :lol:

some aftershave, a hat, £50, a fucking huge hangover and a scabbed up face! (seems i slipped up on some ice last night while i was "merry") haha

Should have happend to me over and over last nite dude, walking around in icy/snowy Bristol drunk was sketchy lol!
I randomly got a $250 gift card from my moms ex-fiance :erk: and I immediately ordered one of these.

Hopefully the website isn't secretly out of stock :heh:

I'm replying to this thread on my Xmas haul. Got myself a 32 gig iPod touch. Never had an iPod product before. I'm really diggin the apps and wifi shit. Haven't even put music on it yet lol

It's also sweet because I can listen to stuff right on my ipod from "rate my tone" section as long as its direct links/getdropbox!
Monitor iso-pads
New gloves
New Stephen King book
Homemade "pen holder" from my 8 year old <--- best present :rock:

That's pretty much it, my wife and I didn't go too crazy with gifts for each other this year and spent it all on the kids. Totally worth it!!!! They both went apeshit at 6am this morning.

For the record they were both up at 5 but were nice enough to let Mommy and Daddy sleep in :p