Post your xmas haul!



(Rogue Ales Yellow Snow IPA)

-Assassins Creed 2
-Ace Combat 6 (Been wanting it since before I got my 360)
-A $75 dollar gift card for a local homebrew/beer store
-A bunch of other cool knick knacks.

I think this is the first year since I was 12 that I didnt get anything music related, but its aight, Not much on my G.A.S. list that is really affordable as a christmas gift, haha.
Fuck yeah Greg, I've wanted Ace Combat 6 for ages, really need to get around to snagging it! (I loved 4 and 5 on the PS2)
got a ton of clothes (all saints/diesel/ed hardy), bit of money/aftershave/dvd's etc and plenty of booze

best thing was my sister's wrapping paper that she decided to use - normal on the outside, and naked ladies on the inside. definitely the kind of thing that is supposed to be awkward when you are opening your presents next to your grandad!