Potential Format Change: Feedback Requested

whew, when you said "format" change I was having quick Nightmares about KNAC going to Mexican in the 80's.

But the time changing sounds great!
I think that is a great idea. I thought it was kind of strange to go from 1 hour with the third band to 90 minutes with the fourth and fifth band. Plus 75 minutes is a good amount of time for a headliner.
Harvester said:
What say you?

I don't know. Leak the lineup, and I'll give you an answer. :)

So, it depends on the bands. The number 4 bands were the two I was most excited to see this year.

Last year's number 4 on Friday (Kamelot) could have played for 3 hours, and I'd have been good with that!

Really, I'm easy to please. Do what works best for you.

While I think it would be good in theory, I wouldn't have liked it this year. Less time for Therion? That was one of the top 3 concerts I've seen!

The problem is that it's so variable...what if you commit to that, and you end up getting 3 true headliners? How do the slots work then? One of the reasons that the festival is great now is that everything is so constant and concrete - I think changing the times according to the relative popularities of the band might get confusing, because how do you decide which band gets more or less time? Hell, you could extend the 3rd slot and keep it as it is - I doubt many people will complain about getting to see more of Brainstorm, Orphaned Land or whatever.

Also, you said you're running out of new headliners...I wouldn't complain about another 90 minutes of Edguy, Kamelot or whatever. We've seen it all before, but there'll be new material each time, and it's live metal! It wouldn't be the same show twice.
I think you should add the extra 15 minutes to the 4th slot on Saturday, all 3 times I have been I have never made it through the last set of the weekend, we aren't all like SwordLord! :grin:

As far as 60 mins goes....Beyond Twilight will just have to have a second slot then :rock:
I think it would be good and, as has been mentioned, could be changed as needed. If a band were booked, in the #4 slot, that warranted longer than a 75 min. set, their time could be extended.
1. There is no committment. It's a judgement call on my part much as the entire lineup is. Will everyone be happy? No. However, I will do what I feel is best for the quality of the roster. The slots work the way I want them to work to be honest. I don't have a set of rules that I check off when I pick who goes where. So far...so good.

2. I cannot extend any slot without subtracting.

3. Eventually, I will indeed have to repeat headliners and I do that now to a small extent. However, I'm going to put that off as long as possible.

Glenn H
Obviously it depends completely on the bands. I'm happy as long as no one I like is getting the cut. :loco:

Sounds like it might be an interesting thing to try, though. That way you're giving more bands more time overall, which sounds like it would be a good thing.
However you feel is best. Getting different headliners would give the show it's own identity to an extent from year to year. We will be repeat customers at any rate. The only change I wouldn't want to see is a different venue or city.
Layla's Dad said:
However you feel is best. Getting different headliners would give the show it's own identity to an extent from year to year. We will be repeat customers at any rate. The only change I wouldn't want to see is a different venue or city.

YES to that. :p I can't imagine there being a better possible venue for the bands that play this festival. I was so impressed with it. Not where I would want to see Ulver or something play necessarily, but it's super awesome for metal. ^_^