Power Amp worries


¯\(°_o)/¯ How meet Devil?
Nov 13, 2005
So yeah, what does it mean when your playing your amp and the makings a popping sound thru the speaker cab, and the power amp powers down? I know this can't be good, but hopfully nothing too drastic. Its a Rivera Hammer 120 power amp. Let the worry begin.
Yeah, I had both sides set to 4 ohms out to the Mesa cab in stereo. Unless I'm a dumbass, which I have been know to be, and did something wrong on that end.
if the amp is stereo, 4 ohms on each output, then both sides on the cab would need to be 4 ohms also. Most guitar cabs are 8 per side, and when running all four speakers you get 16ohms. read the back of the cab and tell me what it says.....
Thats good to know. With tube amps, I guess its hard to tell. Maybe a tube decided to die or something. I supposed I should have it looked at and see whats up. Thanks for you help.
if it blew a fuse, it probably wouldnt work anymore until the fuse is replaced

as far as I know, volume-loss from a tube-poweramp is often a tube-problem. this would mean a new set of powertubes

but if you have a qualified tech have a look at it, he should be able to tell you what the problem is
Yeah, I'm really hoping its just tubes or maybe small internal problem (crossing fingers its not the transformer or what not). I'm a call around and see if I can find someone to look at it.
hmm, last time I read a comment from a tech about output-transformers (I think it was a guy from some custom-amp-company) I think he said something like "either its broken, or its working, something in between is VERY rare"

hope you get it fixed soon!