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New Metal Member
May 20, 2008
:) This should work in all DAWS, I work in Reaper:

There has been alot of talk about the cardinal pan law and mixing. Panning along with proper use of high and low pass filters is huge in regard to getting instruments separated and hearing your mixes come to life. The FREE Omnisone plug-in that comes with this pack:
has opened my eyes and ears, heres how:

1) I opened a new project in reaper, -4.5 pan-law because that is what I had been using and my ears were used to.

2) Pull in some "Pink-Noise" on a track, insert Omnisone with the extra controls "character", "ambience" zeroed out. Put a Goniometer on the master outputs, now loop the pink noise and fiddle with Omnisone with the Goniometer open so you can get exact pan points.

3) Save your presets in the Omnisone track, read the manual as there are some interesting things under the hood that you can fiddle with after.

4) With my 7 cardinal points, and by panning with the Omnisone plug-in only, LEAVE THE TRACK PANS ALONE, It blew my mind. Give it a try, you are fleshing out your "pan-points" with a steady state file in the pink-noise, and WOW when you use the plug in your project, like I said, BLEW my MIND.

Had to share this.

:) This should work in all DAWS, I work in Reaper:

There has been alot of talk about the cardinal pan law and mixing. Panning along with proper use of high and low pass filters is huge in regard to getting instruments separated and hearing your mixes come to life. The FREE Omnisone plug-in that comes with this pack:
has opened my eyes and ears, heres how:

1) I opened a new project in reaper, -4.5 pan-law because that is what I had been using and my ears were used to.

2) Pull in some "Pink-Noise" on a track, insert Omnisone with the extra controls "character", "ambience" zeroed out. Put a Goniometer on the master outputs, now loop the pink noise and fiddle with Omnisone with the Goniometer open so you can get exact pan points.

3) Save your presets in the Omnisone track, read the manual as there are some interesting things under the hood that you can fiddle with after.

4) With my 7 cardinal points, and by panning with the Omnisone plug-in only, LEAVE THE TRACK PANS ALONE, It blew my mind. Give it a try, you are fleshing out your "pan-points" with a steady state file in the pink-noise, and WOW when you use the plug in your project, like I said, BLEW my MIND.

Had to share this.


Holy fuck! I have no idea what you're talking about! I'm still going to try it though.:)
Your using the pink noise to set your pan points, as presets. Then add it last in the chain of your favorite DAW, don't touch the "track pan" at all . Use the presets you made with the Pink Noise file. I have 7, Left, Center, Right, Mid-Left, Mid-Right, Mid-Center-Left, Mid-Center-Right. Then break out the manual and use the "Ambience" and "Character" knobs last.

I don't have time to play with this right now, so I'll just ask - what does Omnisone do that my pan fader doesn't? Is it something like panning with a mild EQ to emphasize the spatial differences?
So basically there goes panning automation to the sink?--- Sptz

Not necessarily, I find that choice of automation of Panning suits production more . As an engineer my first mission is to get the elements to work first, separation through panning and eq help that along. If there are ideas throughout the process then I make those changes, example: Lead guitar just has to play before the end of the verse, which in my eyes is piss poor arrangement but we aren't always handed the greatest songs either. But I am not going to turn stuff away bcause it's poorly arranged, sometimes when I return a mix it emphasizes the crappiness of the phrase or choice of phrase and they re-record it. My stuff now is basically trading a harddisk between here and where the band records, I am tracking drums with them, but the other instruments have been laid down already.

how about some clips with and without----Arv Foh

When I finish and have permission I can, but as a production idea, its better tried by you to see if it fits your workflow.

Can somebody explain this in idiot terms?

You use the plug with pink noise to plot or pick out your static pan points. Then you make a preset of each point, so you can use them later. Now with your project up, and all panners on the tracks at center ( because we are not using them), put Omnisone as the last insert and pick where you want to pan using the presets you created. Then as you are listening you fine tune each track with Omnisones "Ambience" and "Character" knobs until your satisfied. :)