Power outage

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
So I recorded my first band (other than my own) 2 nights ago and we're in the middle of a guitar take when ZAPPPP the power goes out. My monitors popped pretty loudly. Is there anything you can do to protect against that?

By the way it came out pretty poorly but I'll post if I can clean it up.
An APC or similar battery backup with suffiencient wattage for your gear should provide decent protection as well as enough time to save and shutdown if you lose power.
We sell those APC's quite a bit for servers. As a bit of a recommendation, don't get the cheap ones. You get what you pay for. Make sure everything works properly and make sure to test the APC maybe every other week just to be sure. Some of them are huge and can last for a while, but pretty much if they last for 3-5 minutes you should be good... Just enough time to save your work and shutdown your gear.