Power tube help guys...


more metal, more booze!!!
hey, im not replacing my valves in my rev jr just yet, but they come stock with Sovtek 5881/6L6WGC power tubes.

I was wondering what others could be used, can a standard 6L6 be used? and whats the difference between a 5881 and a 6L6? im guessing i may just have to stick to getting the stock tubes when these need replacing eventually?
To my knowledge 5881's and 6L6's are completely interchangeable. You should be able to throw any brand of 6L6 in there when you want to, and have zero biasing issues.
yeah the power section is cathode bias and not adjustable, just wondering if the plate voltages etc vary between diferent 6l6's (6L6 GC, WGC, G etc) and what harm if any they could do. cheers for the response!

No sweat man. Yeah, plate voltages should be the same across the board for all types of 6L6's and 5881's.
I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the 5881 is in a shorter bottle than the 6L6GC, and I haven't seen one in person, but I've heard that the Rev Jr. is a little short on space inside the headshell, so that may be something to consider as well. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the 5881 is in a shorter bottle than the 6L6GC, and I haven't seen one in person, but I've heard that the Rev Jr. is a little short on space inside the headshell, so that may be something to consider as well. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Now that IS something to consider. 6L6's are the tallest tubes, to my knowledge.
I dunno dude, I'd say that honor goes to EL34's (6L6's I think of as fatter) - just look at the back of any old Simul-class Mesa

My Ruby/JJ 6L6's are the same height as my old GT EL34M's. But, I'm sure they differ from brand to brand just a little. For the most part though, I think you have a point. I think the EH EL34's that came in my Madison were pretty f-ing tall.