Retubing my Krank Rev Jr?


Senior Member
Oct 9, 2009
so.. i'm a complete n00b at this..

as i understand it, i need to get sovtek 5881's the same as what it came with stock or i'll have to rebias my head. that right?

also, i can use any 12ax7's? just put them in and play?

i turned my amp on before for the first time in a week and it sounded like shit, then the volume dropped ALOT. ive heard about this happening to people and the problem was the power tubes, so am i right in replacing them?

cheers guys.
I had a similar problem with my Revolution 1 where the volume was dropping and sounding bad. Same symptoms as the common 5150 Effects Loop problem. Before you touch your tubes, plug in a SHORT patch lead between the Effects Send and Return and see if that fixes the problem. If so, you need to clean the contacts on the Jacks of the effects Loop. I removed the Effects Loop Board from the chassis and sprayed Contact Cleaner in between the contacts. Not sure whether you can remove the Effects Loop board on the Jr. It is a better way to do it, rather than randomly spraying into the Jack and hoping to get the contacts.

Regarding biasing the tubes on the Jr, it is non adjustable cathode bias. From the manual of the 25Watt version:

"Tubes – Your Rev Jr. comes with Sovtek 5881/6L6 power tubes. Use only this type or 6V6 tubes can also be substituted. The power section is cathode bias, it is not adjustable, therefore either the above of the above types of tubes can be used without any regards to bias settings.
The preamp section is fitted with Stock high grade/low micro-phonic, tested 12AX7 preamp tubes.
We recommend equivalent tube replacement"

If all else fails you can buy the Fullsize Revolution 1 from me. :grin:
hmm. i turned it on with a short patch lead in FX send/return and it did the same thing.

ive ordered new tubes, hopefully that fixes the problem?
Was just looking at re tubing some of my amps since it's been so long. Mainly looking at preamp tubes since I've to get 2 of my pre's serviced and would like to supply the tubes for the tech.
Anyone know anything about the TAD tubes? Looking at this one in particular
Would there be much of a difference between getting this for my V1's and getting sovtek/eh or JJ's? I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to tubes, I've never bought pre amp tubes before.
Yup ... 5881 / 6L6 or 12ax7's only ... dude what do you expect from a 20w head

I love mine, I have thought about seling it twice for something that gets more "studio" use. But I cant bring myself to sell it cause I love ti so much. Its the PERFECT backup head to have on a gig just in case something goes wrong, and honestly I play the shit out of it cause its such a fun amp.
Yup ... 5881 / 6L6 or 12ax7's only ... dude what do you expect from a 20w head

I love mine, I have thought about seling it twice for something that gets more "studio" use. But I cant bring myself to sell it cause I love ti so much. Its the PERFECT backup head to have on a gig just in case something goes wrong, and honestly I play the shit out of it cause its such a fun amp.

yeah dude i was reading somewhere to get the exact same model from the same brand that they ship with stock to avoid biasing or something haha. maybe i was reading about the full size rev.

its a great amp for its size etc. love it so much :)

im a bit.. iffy about taking it to a tech because i live in the middle of nowhere basically, and its a half hour drive to take the amp to the local shop, then id have to wait for the tech to pick it up.. (he lives a couple hours from that town) and then wait for it to be looked at, then get it back.. it all takes way too much time and money..
Yup ... 5881 / 6L6 or 12ax7's only ... dude what do you expect from a 20w head

I love mine, I have thought about seling it twice for something that gets more "studio" use. But I cant bring myself to sell it cause I love ti so much. Its the PERFECT backup head to have on a gig just in case something goes wrong, and honestly I play the shit out of it cause its such a fun amp.

if you ever decide to ditch it, hit me up - i'll take it back it in a heartbeat!
no shit

some guy here was selling a black-faced 20W with the 1x12 on CL for $300

i tried hitting him up on it last week, but haven't heard back yet :(
z, post: 9U 7887member: 66404"]no shit

some guy here was selling a black-faced 20W with the 1x12 on CL for $300

i tried hitting him up on it last week, but haven't heard back yet :([/QUOTE]
no shit

some guy here was selling a black-faced 20W with the 1x12 on CL for $300

i tried hitting him up on it last week, but haven't heard back yet :(
I believe I was the lucky guy that got that deal right away. I bought a Rev Jr 20 Pro mini stack for 300 from a kid in Gilbert in 2010.