Poweramp & Vst's (And Effectiveness) ?

Sep 26, 2011
I recently Bought a AMT E1 and R2 off a friend. I'm really liking the sound. (Feels) so much better playing than a plugin.

I heard some people recently say The pedals sounds much better with a power amp. AMT actually sells Some power amps I've heard really good things about. I just don't want to shell out the cash if it's not crucial. As well I'm wondering how effective and or/Vital it can sound with plugins? Some have Poweramp Sims built In some you can Bypass like The X50 Or Revalver ect.

Thanks Guys :kickass:
You need a power amp if you want to use a cabinet. Otherwise you don't. I suppose you could use a di capable of handling speaker level input (or a loadbox) but unless it's a tube amp you're adding unnecessary steps (and wasting money).
Ignite amps has a power amp emulation plugin. you could use that in front of your impulse loader if you want to emulate all the pieces in a real set up.

Can't remember the name but if you find ignites Web site it should be easy to find and it's free
Ignite amps has a power amp emulation plugin. you could use that in front of your impulse loader if you want to emulate all the pieces in a real set up.

Can't remember the name but if you find ignites Web site it should be easy to find and it's free

Thanks, Yeah I know I was gonna mention it. I'm trying to wean my out out of simulation, I know The pedals are clones but they're hardware none the less. I'm no doubt gonna try The plugin though. I guess the reason it sounds better is cause the Poweramp is powering the cab and they're bypassing the cab emulation on the unit.

I've just heard people saying using the power-amp in general adds to the color and actual "feel" of the tone.
i love to have fun with amp sims into return of my amp. mesa standard 4x12, sm57. raw sound from the mic. sorry, volume in samples slightly unbalanced


3 amp sim, and 1 real amp
Russian guys have even more interesting variants than AMT TubeCakes, for example:




5W version can be used to record poweramp signal parallel to cabinet, just rout cable from second cabinet output to your interface, interfaces with high input levels can accept signal even at maximum, but it`s pretty loud :)

According to: http://freestompboxes.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=15891&start=520#p199817
KMG have advantage against TubeCake because of FETs, which characteristics closer to real tubes.