"Powerful" vocals.. need some opinions and tips!!!!


Hey guys!

I tried out some vocals for a track of ours and I'm finding it hard to get a nice sound to sit in the mix.. so what I basically need is a run down of the kind obvious things people should do with vocals, such as where is the general low pass and high pass points etc if any... amount or type of reverb / delay, compression? Limitation?

I have no idea on how to mix vocals at all.. so I think they sit "ok" but the other thing was I wanted you guys to listen to them and see what you thought.

I am no singer, I haven't trained or learnt etc I've only dicked around by myself to my favourite bands so by all means bash me if I suck I'm going to be practicing anyway :D

And lastly I dunno if you guys can hear it but I have a blocked nose and a fucked up chesty phlegm cough.. and yeah I know you're thinking etc... you seriously want us to listen to this after ALL that?

Well.. yeah I do :D I hope you'll be pleasantly surprised.. it's kinda Devin Townsendy crossed with Sebastian Bach.. something along those lines! (But obviously no where near as good hahaha)

Anyway please enjoy!

Also please excuse the noise during the silence :p


http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5079813/Tracks/Grain Vocals.mp3


Joe x


Feeding souls of the damned,
Life lost is draining from you,
Time moves its aching hands,
And you rise to meet the end,

Blowing the sand away from you,
For it will not judge the life you've taken,
You'll never be alone,
You'll never be alone,

For there are others out there like you,
Roaming the nothing,
Trying to find the way back into,
Generally your vocal chain will start with some kind of heavy compression, 1176 usually. Hipass somewhere around 100-200 for the plosives/subs and then limiting, de essing(another form of compression).

Verb usually a short plate, adjusted to taste. Delay some kind of stereo beat based one. You'll have to mess with the settings specific to the project.