Powerless situation


Apr 16, 2002
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Have you been in a situation recently where there is nothing you could have done and feel bad about it?

Earlier when I went for a bike ride with my friend there was a blue jay attacking a little bird on the street, that poor little thing was hurt and scared. There is not much I could do so i scared away the blue jay, but the little bird was frightened and bleeding a bit. I tried to bring him to a safer place with the help of my friend but he was too scared. I felt so useless, it really upsets me when animals are hurt :cry: After a while he flew on a balcony, I just hope that the blue Jay did not find him back.

We stood there for about 20 minutes garding the little guy so the blue jay would not hurt him.:D
Ah see but how can you be sure the blue jay wasnt beating up the little bird because it stole his food and slept with his wife?! :err: :p

Hmm, when my grandmother had a kidney transplant that failed...I wished so bad that the kidney did not fail but there was nothing I could do, I felt so powerless and it was one of the most depressing times in my life....
There is only one remedy for this. Always, that means ALWAYS expect the worst. Convince youself it can never be less than worse. Always walk into a scenario, thinking it'll go to hell.

When it does, hey, at least you won't be disappointed.
Hm... I guess I feel powerless when it comes to family.

First off my father lives a weird life style. All I want
is for him to be happy, and I think he's happier now
though, but I want all his dreams to come true. I
hope that one day I'll have enough money to send
him down to some southern country and let him live
there just doing whatever he feels like.... :eek:)

Then I feel powerless when it comes to my
grandparents. I love them so much, and I don't
want to realize that they one day have to die. And
as they age they talk more and more about "when
we're gone...blabla." I really just want to die
before them, but, I don't want them to miss me...
So.... >:eek:P

Once there was a hurt bird in our garden... It was
during the winter. I had no clue what to do, so I ran
over to a friend to get her to help me... Well, she
was busy and I had to wait. When we finally go to
my house the bird was dead :eek:(
Well, as for family, I don't have much left. The only ones that are still alive, which I also talk to, is my mother, grandparents on mothers side, and a few little brothers... and some cousins and shit.. that's about it!
When you have friends or anyone close that have big a problem(s) that you just can't help. You can try, but sometimes that can just make things worse. The best thing is when you just make them laugh or something, and you can tell they appreciate it for that one moment.
When I try telling my friend that he's cool and that those other people are wrong... He doesn't listen to me. I feel there's nothing I can do but keep trying. Then there's me trying to find a girlfriend, but none of the girls like me that way... Ugh. :erk:
the other day my TV broke down and I couldn't do anything about it and I was really pissed because the world cup is only days away
luckily i had money to send it to the repair shop
and the other day I saw 2 dogs fighting but it was a pretty equal match so just waited a little bit to make sure one dog wasn't gonna kill the other and when it didn't happen we continued our way
Originally posted by manuelgv
the other day my TV broke down and I couldn't do anything about it and I was really pissed because the world cup is only days away

Oooh, that'll hurt. I wish you luck on getting it back in time.

I thought I'd be Shit Out of Luck because my roommate takes his TV away on the 15th. But I'll be able to watch all the 2nd round games (and on) at a friends place... or at the pub... nothing like getting to work drunk.
There are so many situations where I have felt completely powerless. I think the worst one is when my dog died.
**Before I begin, for anyone who has a dog (or cat for that matter...) Watch your pet's drinking habits. If they consume large volumes of water but don't urinate frequently, bring it to see the vet**
We noticed that she wasn't herself on a friday evening. Things got worse the next morning... I offered her a treat, and she wouldn't take it. (That's how I knew something was seriously wrong). She was laying down pretty much all day. By sunday she was warm...very warm all over. We had to take her out of town for blood tests cos the vet clinic in the city was closed for the weekend. (go figure). When we got home, there was a message from the vet (just outside of town) asking my dad to bring her back. So there I sat that afternoon not knowing anything. I'd had her for 10 years so it was a big deal for me. My dad came back with her later tha evening, but he had to carry her in. At this point she could hardly walk, but we couldn't understand why. I stayed up with her that night. She was whining and yelping in pain, and couldn't get up...I had to hold her up outside (in mid november-damn cold) so she could urinate.
Finally it got really bad and she was yelping really loud at about 3 am. So my dad came downstairs and said it was enough, and he called the vet at his home, woke him up and told him what was going on and that he'd head straight to the clinic and meet him there. So to wrap it up, the vet showed up, and stayed up with her all night. He gave her a shot to take away the pain. When my dad returned, he told me the vet gave her a 50-50 chance of living. The phone rang later that morning, and it was the vet. He told us that when he opened her up on the operating table, she died. What happened is her pancreas had litterally exploded, and was slowly poisoning her. I felt horrible for the longest time.
Well, since we're all being sentimental here...

I usually never have that feeling of being completely powerless
(even though I might be), but this one time I felt it deeply into
my shattered soul... *not so sure I should write this..but here goes*

My little brother hung himself 5 years ago. Watching his face in the
chapel one day before the funeral is probably the most mind-boggling
experience I ever had.... Whatever comfort and help I usually might
have given him, I knew too well that this time there was
nothing.. nothing! to do. All senses numb, a colorless world.
Like nothing else has any meaning at all. You know there's
no hope, no going back, it cannot be undone. And at this point
I finally realized it was reality, not some insane dream.
This left me powerless to a degree where I could hardly lift my
hand to touch his face.
I got my TV back the same day so I am ready to watch the opening in some hours and the france vs senegal game
I hope both Portugal and Italy go to the quarterfinals and find each other there,that's a game I would love to watch
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Hm... I guess I feel powerless when it comes to family.

First off my father lives a weird life style. All I want
is for him to be happy, and I think he's happier now
though, but I want all his dreams to come true. I
hope that one day I'll have enough money to send
him down to some southern country and let him live
there just doing whatever he feels like.... :eek:)

Then I feel powerless when it comes to my
grandparents. I love them so much, and I don't
want to realize that they one day have to die. And
as they age they talk more and more about "when
we're gone...blabla." I really just want to die
before them, but, I don't want them to miss me...
So.... >:eek:P

Once there was a hurt bird in our garden... It was
during the winter. I had no clue what to do, so I ran
over to a friend to get her to help me... Well, she
was busy and I had to wait. When we finally go to
my house the bird was dead :eek:(

You are too scared of death, dont take this wrong but you will end up suffering more, sometimes not caring at all is the only way to remain sane.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
You are too scared of death, dont take this wrong but you will end up suffering more, sometimes not caring at all is the only way to remain sane.

Well, I'd rather go insane caring, than walking around
neglecting my own feelings. I live for emotions. They
are what keeps me alive. I surf on happy waves and
fall flat when downhills come. Sure I'm scared of death,
the death of other people. I'd do anything to keep the
people I love, around me as long as possible. I have to
care, cause I love them.

And Lordenlil, I can't say anything else than: I'm so
sorry! :eek:( Since I haven't been through anything similar
I can't even begin to imagine what it must've been like,
and how it still is.... I'm really sorry :eek:(

More powerless situations; The situation I am in at
work. It SUCKS! I have _NO_ power over my self. I
have to sit there and wait for other people to make
decisions for and OVER me!! It is starting to wear me
out, and I am really going to do something about it this
time! Now it is time to get things done, and I am the
right one to do it.
Misantrophe, I agree. The only "right" thing for yourself to do is not caring. And if that can't be done, then you gotta forget it ASAP. Sounds cold, but hey, it's true. Too damn true.