Powerplay magazine Issue 130 - PQ feature


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
There's a review (9/10) and an interview in the latest issue of Powerplay, along with an advert for the album as well.

Actually a kick ass issue all round.....Whitesnake, Eden's Curse to name but a couple! Recommended reading!
I bought a copy today. Great interview Steve! Also, great to see they think very highly of Blood Alliance and Power Quest in general.

Cool to see the special two to three hour show getting mentioned in the interview. I'm sure I've said this at some point elsewhere on the forum but it would be amazing if that idea became a reality and I would be sure to attend such a magnificant event, even if I have to beg, borrow and steal!

I'm sure many PQ fans have similar feelings about it too.