Powerquest Signs With Intromental Management

I dont get worked up. I just call it like I see it.

If I had the computer savvy to quote from a different thread I would quote myself since this pretty mucht he same thing that Jasonic said to me so I will retort with the same:

I call them like I see it too, and I see a douche bag.
You have SERIOUS issues my friend.......
Diabolik's post was 100% on track with the purpose of the thread.

Serious question........how old are you?

I am very excited about this announcement.....

Most people know I am a big fan of this band and have been trying to get them over here for a while. This communion should help big time.

Hard working band that is deserving of more exposure.
I am hoping that with this announcement that more people will give Power Quest a listen if they are not already fans. Usually with this kind of news bite, people will go and check them out. In all honesty, this is such great news. This has been a great year for PQ. Napalm Records and now this.
I had initially thought with the explosion in popularity of DragonForce that more people would have checked out PQ by now, who weren't already familiar with them.

Should be a good year for the PQ boys!
You have SERIOUS issues my friend.......
Diabolik's post was 100% on track with the purpose of the thread.

Serious question........how old are you?

No my freinds and I just like to fuck with people to a certain extent. Most of my friends have moved away in the last couple of months, so I guess you guys got the brunt of my wrath so to speak.

In all seriousness I just dont like you guys' tones in general when you comment, I dont know if emphasis is being lost due to no vocal tone or not. I will just ignore your comments like I did before.

The only issue I have is that I sit on this forum way too much recently, lol.

I turn 25 years young in March.
No need to turn any of this into a pissing match.
It just seemed to jumped on Diabolik, who was only posting on his excitement over the PQ signing.

Sure, you were just ball busting a bit. I am just as guilty of that myself on occasion.

Seems though that Diabolik and I are accused of being complainers when all we do is speak openly and honestly about our opinions.

There are many Prog Power regulars (Zod comes to mind) who also have no opinion speaking their minds on bands, fest lineups, etc., though never get jumped all over. Maybe you need to be in the inner circle of trust, or something.
There are many Prog Power regulars (Zod comes to mind) who also have no opinion speaking their minds on bands, fest lineups, etc., though never get jumped all over. Maybe you need to be in the inner circle of trust, or something.

Perhaps, but I have also met Zod in person and he is really nice guy and I understand his sense of humor from time to time.
I am sure if we were to all meet in person, we would throw one back and laugh about this crap.

Hell, I even got to give bOOB a noogie at Powerfest!

Next time you see Manilla Road and I don't, I expect a more detailed review!
Do I sense a PP Appearance on the horizon?

BW&BK has received the following:

POWER QUEST is pleased to announce co-operation with Intromental Management. MD Claus Jensen comments: “We're very happy to present the latest band signed to our roster; British/Italian/American power metal band Power Quest. We've known about this band for a long time and always liked them. However, the timing to sign them wasn't right, but when keyboardist Steve Williams contacted us a couple of months ago and asked for co-operation, we immediately decided to give it a shot and start working together with these talented guys.”

Steve Williams adds: "We are really proud and very excited about our future co-operation with Claus, Lars, Glenn and the rest of the team. From seeing the work they have done in the past and their current success with the likes of Circle II Circle and Almah, we feel that this is a huge and positive step forward for the band!"

All PQ booking will now go through booking@intromental.com.
HELL YEAH! PLEASE BOOK PQ for an ATL date ASAP!:rock::kickass: