

Sep 29, 2003
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Just thought I would let anyone know about Powertabs.net who didn't already know about it. A friend showed me this last week and I can't stop DL'ing tabs and using it to write out music. It's a freeware tab program that puts tabs into standard notation and plays it back to you in MIDI, which I've been looking for for years, And they have a bunch of tabs on the site users have posted. Anyway, hope this helps any of you guys as much as it has me :D
rock on :loco:
I agree - this thing is great. I helps a lot to build a good song structure when you're writing. It also helps shitty guitarists like myself to write music that we can't play and know if it sounds pleasing or if we are writing what we want to hear. ;) I work slowly though... I've had it forever and I still don't have a song that I would call 'done.'
