PP is close (and no, I don't need to use the restroom)


AKA Pooch - Mark
Sep 15, 2001
Sunnyvale, California
Hey Dustin,

Are you and the KV clan arriving on Wednesday? Henry and I arrive in Atlanta around 7 pm Wednesday night. It will be his birthday that night, so we'll be ready to rage (we'll probably already have a few drinks in us from the the plane ride). I realize you have to take it easy that night because KV is playing the next night, but it would be great to hang with you all. Anyway, see you in Atlanta! :loco:


Take it easy? are you kiddin'? if you and Henry come over to the Grenada and hang we'll definalty have to ahve a few drinks... and suffer for our sins the next morning. :tickled:

We're flying in around 2 orr 3 o'clock Wednsday, so we'll be well settled in by the time you guys get into town. Just getr in touch with me via email shortly before PP and I'll give you my cell number to contact me when you guys get all checked in.

I can't belive how quickly it's creeping up on us!

It'll be good to see you and Henry again for sure!
But we will defaintly miss Bear this year.... :cry:

I'll be ready to rage when you guys get there!
