PP USA XVI Schedule Annoucement


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001

Gold Badge Doors: 1:00pm
Regular Doors: 1:30pm

Hibria 2:00-3:00
Anubis Gate 3:30-4:30
Morgana Lefay: 5:00-6:00
Voyager: 6:30-7:45
Anathema 8:30-10:00
ProgPower USA XVII Roster Video: 10:00
Falconer: 10:30- close


Gold Badge Doors: 1:00pm
Regular Doors: 1:30pm

Helker: 2:00-3:00
Persefone 3:30-4:30
Dynazty 5:00-6:00
Riverside: 6:30-7:45
Royal Hunt: 8:15-9:45
Angra: 10:30- close

I think it's best to explain the Anathema/Falconer position change. Honestly, this was the plan all along regardless of the chatter when the roster was first announced because of two reasons:

1. Anathema has a second show on Saturday morning for the VIP/Gold Badge holders. I did not want them getting out late and forcing them to return for sound check early the next morning. They will still be afforded the same courtesy in terms of change-over time for the headliner.

2. With this being Falconer's last live show ever, this will give them a chance to really soak in the experience, enjoy themselves, and not have to worry about getting off the stage at a specific time no matter what. They do not have to rush off the stage during curtain call, etc.


OMG this is amazing news and inspired! What a great way to give Falconer the flexibility as to their final show. I am all in on this change. :flame:
I was looking forward to ending the night with Anathema, given that no other band in the world is going to top their performance, for me. That is, no other band except for Anathema. With that being said, I understand that it's probably best for them to finish a little earlier in the night, given that they have to perform again the very next morning.

But on a serious note, I don't have much dog in this fight. I love Anathema for what they are, but I don't think I absolutely need them in the all night slot. I'm sure I'll be wrong once they've stopped.

Falconer is a really unique circumstance, though. So them having an all nighter is just...right. And the guy I'm dragging with me is going to squee like Joan.
And the guy I'm dragging with me is going to squee like Joan.

I have no idea what you're talking about. :Saint:

Here's hoping Falconer plays until 2am.

Part of me loves this idea, and a very small part of me is all "Noooooo..." I am a bit worried about Falconer ending the night since my mom is coming to ProgPower JUST to see Falconer, but she's also older and not in the greatest health. Otherwise, sans-mothership, I'd be all for it.