PP7 night two - all bands ruled!

The Shrike

Lord of Pain
Sep 14, 2002
Scottsdale, AZ
What a night, and one of the most cohesive PP nights ever. Every band was fantastic and the sound was mixed well. I enjoyed every set. :kickass:

Zero Hour! The new singer Chis Salinas fits right in, and they still rock mightily in their brand of ... thinking metal. They played a nice set of old and new. Nobody plays a bass like Troy ... wow! He amazed me on the beautiful new song, Falcon's Cry. :Smokin:

Vision Divine. A huge surprise! While not typically my type of metal, these guys did the euro/italian power metal very well. The singer is fantastic. :kickass:

Thunderstone. They rocked the house. They have been called a Stratovarious clone but this does not come off live. They sound like they have some strato influences but they have their own chunky sound, and they are smokin'. :Smokin:

Epica. Wow! Simone is a goddess and excellent front for the band. Mark Jansen is so cool. They do "beauty and the beast metal " very very very well. They also did a cover of a killer cover of a Death song, Crystal Mountain. :worship: :worship:

Jorn. So fun and retro and godly. Jorn has the killer voice, and his band was equally amazing. So talented and yet able to ground themselves in the classics. Jorn from Pagan's Mind is one hell of a guitar player!! :Smokin:

I thought the Whitesnake medley was overblown. :puke: I would have rather heard more Jorn material. I was surprised he did Godless and Wicked from BT, but no Ark. :headbang:

The all star blowout on the last Jorn encore was rock and roll history. Totally corn and totally cool!!!

:kickass: Another ProgPower is over too quick....
I dunno about the new Zero Hour singer. As solid as the day two line up was, I loved every band from day one.
I'm all for Day One, but holy crap Epica were utterly amazing. I thought I was going to go crazy with William when they played "The Last Crusade." Geeze. And The Phantom Agony and Consign to Oblivion back to back?
The Shrike said:
I thought the Whitesnake medley was overblown. :puke: I would have rather heard more Jorn material. I was surprised he did Godless and Wicked from BT, but no Ark. :headbang:

The medly was kinda-sorta cool at first. Wore thin near the end though. The glaring, although not complete, lack of Ark material was disappointing, but it was nice to hear about 2/3 of "Noose," from Burn the Sun, woven into Tungur Knivur.
Noose! That's which song it was. I knew I heard a bit of an Ark song thrown in there, but I couldn't place it. It made the set though - I love that album.
Day 1 was the best to me, but I mostly loved night 2.

I really like Jorn but I was a bit disappointed in their show... Seemed so stiff too me. Just played straight through a song and then straight to another. Audience interaction was minimal in most places, and not there at all in some... Mad me sad, really looked forward to them. And as good as their music was, their show wasn't as awesome as I'd hope. The medley barely even feltlike one to me... near the end it just seemed like one song would end and then another would start, rather than being multiple songs put together.
Epica to me was amazing, one of the few bands I wish I could've seen the entire set of. Tarja who? Liv what? Simone was simply phenominal. Now THAT band has an amazing future ahead of them. Vision Divine was great too, also Thunderstone. The Leatherwolf cover band was ok nothing amazing imo... Jorn, Freak Kitchen and Zero Hour I missed... Savage Circus was ok but not amazing like I expected. Guess I was looking forward to an early Blind Guardian set to amaze me. Good sound throughout for most of the bands, although the guitars could've been up front a bit more, but then I'm a guitarist so I'll always whine about that :lol:

All in all though, another great weekend that as always ended too soon.
Epica would have been much better if Simone Simons didnt have her fucking RIDICULOUS and RUDE attitude. That was such a disappointment.
Petethedrummer said:
Milton is dissapointed that she turned him down :lol::lol:

Like he needs her...
I'm not even going to start saying some things about her... I will get very mad. Not only for me, but for a friend of mine that went to PP only for Epica and Simone just wasn't nice.
By the way, how do "yall" like my new avatar pic? ;)

Jorn was just .....hm... can't even find a word for him. :worship:
Exploding Ned said:
Epica to me was amazing, one of the few bands I wish I could've seen the entire set of. Tarja who? Liv what? Simone was simply phenominal.

You gotta be kidding me! While Tarja has been giving vocal lessons for years, Simone apparently took them until last year (or maybe she still does). Simone has talent (and lots) but she still needs to develop a lot. Tarja TURUNEN in case you dont know. Liv Kristine isn't good live, so I agree on that. Check out After Forever if you want a real kick-ass female singer (Floor Jansen).
I have to say in my most HONEST opinion, I really feel that EPICA had the best performance not only for day II, but also for the whole show, of course this is the band I definetly went to see the most. I think their stage presence was very professional! I will say though that there were a part, I think it was during 'Cry for the Moon' where Simone was definetly off and jumped in just about a couple of seconds after the verse was supposed to start, otherwise, I can say they were really, really tight. She sang her melodies a little different, but I'm sure that was more purposely, it didn't sound bad, some bands do it live. I don't have any idea how they sounded overall, because I was right in front and that's not always the best to judge the sound... I think..

Anyway, the entire show was great, and I think all of the bands were amazing, and they all put a great show and they were all sounding great, and I think everyone had a pretty good crowd response. (I just missed Circle II Circle)..

Anyway, about what Paula and Milton said, all I'll say is, I'm quite happy I really "met" Simone AFTER Epica played and not before. Yes, I'm a giant Epica fan, and I say that
Empress said:
I think their stage presence was very professional!

I actually expected the opposite from them, but they were totally professional and looked very well rehearsed.

But, speaking of professionalism. Can someone send that memo to Zero Hour. I really enjoyed their set and Salinas is a huge improvement on vocals. However, ZH's music is a tough sell even to many PP attendees, for obvious reasons I'm sure. But after a few PP performances, I think they could benefit from some wardrobe upgrades/stage presence adjustments that may draw more people into their live perfomances. I know its about the music and not a fashion show, but just a thought. They still smoked.