PPPPBP! (ProgPower PreParty Band Possibilities)


MetalHead & Engineer
Sep 20, 2004
Hey alls you alls!

I was wondering/hoping to obtain some information about the pre-party shows. As in, who to contact about possibilities and such.

I know a band that I think would be supremely prime for the pre-party show. If anybody has heard of them: Sons of Poseidon.

They have been together for quite a while and have had some publicity on a couple TV shows (one show was on VH1, but I forget the name)--so they aren't just some new band that decided to form in the buttcrack of nowhere and want to get out. I think it would be great for them to get more southerly exposure than south dakota and parts of iowa :)
And it would show people that while the stereotype of stupid inbred hicks overrun north dakota, there is still a metal fanbase of immense intensity (though low in numbers) and can give birth to outstanding bands :rock:

They would fit into what I would consider the "default" Heavy Metal genre. ie: Heavy Metal. It's not particularly power, thrash, prog, speed, glam, symph, etc... If I had to place the musical style it was closest to, I would have to say Judas Priest a'la Ripper's days. Vocals lower and gruff, but still clean vocals. Aside from them putting on a hell of a good set, they are also really awesome guys! And usually have some crazy stuff they do on stage, be it nunchucking or otherwise fun stuff that captivates the crowd.

I asked Carter what he thought about them playing and he said if I could help line things up, they'd be delighted to do so, so here I am trying!

If you want to check them out, their web page is
and is really a tribute to the philosophy that "Metal is Life"

So anybody with info, please lemme know! thanks!
Bryan316 said:
We should get Dream Theater for the pre-party.
....maybe their equipment. Mikey's drumset MIGHT fit on the stage in The Vinyl. Heh.

How about the just at prog power themselves.......yes much better idea i think
I think lilitu would go well. Not your traditional prog or power metal, but still damn good. They are intrested in playing too, they were there this year, all being from atlanta, but they were just there for the show and promoting their cd.
