First let me say, thank you, Jen, for looking into this. I have been wanting a new ProgPower girl's shirt for years, so hopefully all of your hard work here will pay off for us ProgPower ladies.
I like the PP tank top I bought years ago but hardly ever wear it because it is just the ProgPower logo. I think I would wear the logo t-shirt we are talking about here more, but I am super jealous of the guy's getting shirts that have the cool designs and all the bands logos. I have on occassion bought the men's shirts before, but hardly ever wear them because they don't fit me well. I'm really glad that in recent years, more bands have started to do more with their girl's shirts than just a simple logo across the chest and I really wish ProgPower could find a way to do the same.
Also, all of the band logos will not fit on a fitted tee and be legible.. and we would have to pay an additional (hefty) fee for an extra, intricate screen print press/design.
We had guys and girls shirts made for FotV III. The printer that we used did a great job. He was able to size the design to be the same on both the guys and the girls shirts, so we didn't need to pay for another screen to be made.
I'm at work, so I only have a few images from my facebook that I can show you, but they should give you some idea of what I'm talking about:
Granted, we only had 8 bands that year (whose logos all fit on the shield on the front of the shirt) and ProgPower usually has about 16 (if you include the pre-show band logos), but I think with the longer/larger style girlie shirts you are considering it could be doable. I'd personally be willing to pay an extra $5-10 for the shirt if it meant I could get a girl's shirt with the actual festival design on it (instead of just the festival logo).
Anyway, just thought I'd share this in hopes that it might open up the opportunity for girl's shirts with a full design to be considered in the future, even if it might not be possible for this year.
Either way, thanks again for looking into this on behalf of us ProgPower ladies.