PQ line-up


May 10, 2010
Hello All..
I know that i've been saying this to all members and etc after our last rehearsal we did 2 weeks ago. I just wanna tell all our dedicated brothers and sisters here....that the rehearsals kicked ass that day and we have a great album packed with killer songs for you all! so stay tuned:)
I hope I'm not the only one who was a little scared when he saw this topic! :lol:

Glad to hear it, Chity. Absolutely stoked to hear what Blood Alliance sounds like!
Chitty, you scared me out of my wits, mate! The first thing I thought was , 'no, not again!" :loco:

sweet! can we already pre-order it at Amazon?? :lol::headbang:
Haha i was as scared as everyone else at the title 'PQ Line-up' way to keep us on our toes Chity! i'm glad it's good news for a change though!! looking forward to what you've come up with :headbang:
We won't be recording until September now...so it will be early 2011 before it is released as the label didn't want it to clash with Christmas. You always have to have 3 months between finishing recording and releasing for promotion too
We won't be recording until September now...so it will be early 2011 before it is released as the label didn't want it to clash with Christmas. You always have to have 3 months between finishing recording and releasing for promotion too

Fuck the label I want it on my 18th birthday (12.26)! Haha sounds like you guys got it solid now though! Good to hear, keep us posted though but that means you have time to play a few new songs at a few live shows, maybe spin it that way guys