PQ & PM Tour

Rock On!! Will come to the stand at PPUK and hopefully see you at Poole! :headbang:
I'll be a the Underworld on Monday! Hope to meet you guys again! May come find you during Pagan's Mind... not liking their material that much! Sorry!

Good luck on the tour, hope it goes well!!
won't be able to make the tour

caught some of pagan mind's set at PP-UK and thought that some of it was great (especially the long instrumental) but other parts weren't as good. managed to catch a signed drum stick at the end of the set tho
dragonwarrior said:
Todays the day!! Heres hoping I can get a ticket on the door!

I'll be getting to the World's End about 5ish mate, they should have some tickets behind the bar inside... If you want I could grab you one incase they dissapear before you get there.
Dan W said:
managed to catch a signed drum stick at the end of the set tho

hey...me too!! both PM drum sticks ended up on the PQ board...weird!!

I thought they were pretty damn awesome myself...got me a t-shirt at the start of the fest too :D