Pre-order the US version of We've come for you all

no problem, I just wanted to help people out as it is also a good idea for those that choose not to pre-order to make sure that their local store is getting in copies ahead of time so that you don't get all psyched the day of release only to find out they only got in 2 copies and they are gone already. That is a major letdown!! :erk:

I chose to pre-order from the best buy site.

I also managed to get a copy of epnikufecin at where you can find really good deals on anthrax cds. :wave:
I pre-ordered it from for just $14.99 (cheapest I could find).

I also pre-ordered it from Twist and Shout in Denver, and I'll buy a couple more copies for some friends who have heard my import of the album.

Anthrax are getting at least 5 album sales from me alone.
I took the 6th off of work to be at ZIA when they open at 10 sharp on Tuesday to get my copy. Stomp and POT are pacifying for the moment.
why wait till Tuesday when, if you make sure they order beforehand, you can go to their midnight sale on Monday(actually that is then tuesday). As long as you are in the store prior to midnight, the new cds go onsale at midnight.
tattooedsean666 said:
best buy was around that much also as it didn't have shipping and handling added on.

So the $15 on CDNow covers the special CD or DVD or whatever goody's comin with it?
tattooedsean666 said:
best buy was around that much also as it didn't have shipping and handling added on.

So the $15 on CDNow covers the special CD or DVD or whatever goody's comin with it?
there is only one version being sold in the US so yes. Reminder that the quickest one can have it at least in this state is to go to zia's the monday night as new sales go onsale at midnight. the only reason I am not is I can wait a few days as I have the ltd. edition and the LP to tide me over.