Pre-Party Game: Flip Cup?

Soul of Ice said:
After beer pong, how about bringing out a pinata when everyone is good and trashed?

LOL... Okay, a large bunch of inebriated metalheads, armed with big sticks specifically meant to annihilate a Papier-mach'e creation being held on a string by another inebriated individual. I'm covered by insurance... and will be channelling Xena. ;) And who'd be willing to bet that any video footage would be AFV worthy? Only question... What the hell will be inside the piñata?
Soul of Ice said:
After beer pong, how about bringing out a pinata when everyone is good and trashed?
Oh that ought to be good, as i am from EL PASO TX on the border Pinatas are a way of life so bring it on.:hotjump: :loco:
13ShadesofGray said:
I plead jetlag! :D

Actually, I was kind of hoping for those little chocolate bottles filled with different kinds of liqueur, though. ;) Chocolate + Alcohol = Perfect ProgPower PreParty Piñata!

Why have I never heard of those? They sound precious!! I'm so sheltered.
13ShadesofGray said:
Actually, I was kind of hoping for those little chocolate bottles filled with different kinds of liqueur, though. ;) Chocolate + Alcohol = Perfect ProgPower PreParty Piñata!

You are so right... those kick ass. Damn, now I want one and it's only 10 am.
lady_space said:
You are so right... those kick ass. Damn, now I want one and it's only 10 am.

I like the ones with Grand Marnier in them. While looking up the spelling of that particular alcohol, I accidentally poured myself a glass. Bummer. <wink, wink, nudge, nudge>

What are you guys talking about? I guess I'm old. The last drinking games I've player were Mexican (I guess that's not PC anymore, which is too bad because I was always very good at that game) and "The Viking Game" (which is a total friggin riot).
i have never heard of those... i will say though..that stuff you brought over...hope you were not wanting it back cause me and denney got into it last night.

lady_space said:
You are so right... those kick ass. Damn, now I want one and it's only 10 am.
sh0kr0k said:
Are we picking teams??

*grabs Bryan316, Regor, Lotesto, & Tom Englund*
I'M SET! :heh:
Damn i didn't get picked again:erk: I guess it goes back to high school. Oh well, i will get my own Team. ME, and..................... okay i will just watch.