Pre-Production Review


Apr 3, 2009
I'm beginning the recording of our sophomore album and went through a pre-production recording of a track to see how i liked it or where I want improvement.

This will be my first project using my new Eleven Rack, so dialing in a good tone has been a lot of trial and error. While recording I felt like the quality was good and sufficient for what I was hoping for....but after bouncing it and listening on a few systems and in comparison to some other recordings...that confidence has somewhat gone.

I was hoping to get some listens to see if maybe my expectations are a little high for what I'm working with, or if listening for so long has altered my perception. Seperation/Demos/A Call To Harms Demo 1.mp3

My equipment is:
Eleven Rack -> Profire 610 -> Pro Tools 8

I also did some reading on my SPDIF capabilities that I havent been utilizing. Is the digital signal (bypassing D/A and A/D) going to impact quality all that much, or is the benefit mostly in latency?

All input appreciated.