Preamp tube suggestions


May 11, 2009
I need to replace a preamp tube in my head, seems one of them is microphonic. I haven't purchased preamp tubes in about 10 years so I've no idea whats good these days. This will be for v1 in a Splawn quickrod. I use to buy my tubes from TheTubestore but I notice you can pick up pretty much all the same tubes at Amazon now a days, since I have a bunch of Amazon points I figured I would just purchased from there...any reason not to?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
I've bought both preamp and poweramp tubes from Doug's Tubes on a number of occasions for my Mark IV and Peavey JSX, and have always been very happy with his recommendations and the quality of the tubes I have received. For preamp tubes in both my Mark IV and JSX, I've had good results mixing Tung Sols, Mullard Re-issues, and JJ's. I try to avoid JJ's in V1 since they seem to be a little darker than I like, but I've had great success with them in the other positions. I haven't tried any NOS options since I'm short on cash, but I've heard from many that NOS RFT's are good for hard rock and metal if you can get a hold of them. Personally I've been pretty satisfied with the cheap stuff, so I've haven't had much incentive to fork over the cash for NOS.
+1 to Doug's Tubes. I got the "Tone Kit" or whatever in my Mark IV and love it. Forget exactly what they were, there was a Tung, a JJ, Sovtek and something else.
Three factories in the world make all of the worlds tubes. Don't fall for the hype!!

Yeah I'm completely aware of this.
years back when I had a dual rec I went through an NOS tube phase trying everything under the sun just wanting to try things but since getting the Splawn and being completely satisfied with the tones never had a concern with tubes for about the last 10 years. which brings me to why I posted this. I have no idea what current production stuff is worth a damn. I called Splaw for a recommendation and was told that they now use their own branded tubes of some sort, didn't really get the full undunderstanding but i guess somebody makes them thete own tubes I guess, is what I understood from the conversation. Anyway there not in stock and they only sold in sets which cost $50 plus shipping which I'm not really looking to do. I think I'm going to try the Tung Sol.

Thanks for the input.