Preampus METAL Series 60 Released! Blow your head off!!!

Thanks John I'm trying to get them out...

Misseur Lepou, Bonjour!


And your LeCab is kicking ass man...I missed your call the other day, I was out Taking Tex swimming. Anyways I'll await your call again..Dumbass me...Should of just wrote this in email to you.., but I'm already done typing and that would mean I'd have to type this all over again.
If I've noticed anything about Series 60...and in fact the rest of the Metal Line....They seem to grow on you once you explore more of the possibilities...I've had so far a lot of people decide that they did not like whatever one of these only to in about a week, change their mind. These are ABG releases, so, just like any other ABG release there is a learning curve to the tonal; possibilities. I mean we're worked really hard at making things more apparent than they were in other releases, but there is still a lot of room left to explore. Sometimes we throw new concepts at you as well, like using colors to describe a drive type, and we will be adding a lot more colors in future, we actually have another 7 defined already...Drive Color technology will also make an appearance in our new Tube compressor called Hydraulic very soon, and it is a technology we will be expanding into virtually every effect and amp we make.

edit: Just notice your post john...What drive color was that, and what dosage...dude!!! Very cool

BTW When the drive amp gets released, probably this week, the drive color knob will be re-labelled to Color Dosage..


Ken do you want me to change the knob label ? What version do you want to release , the original or the 2nd with the different background ?

John, nice clip. I also like the Cyan setting best.

edit:Here`s a step by step tutorial vid by Michael Riesenbeck, he got a nice lead sound out of it:
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Hey AHJ You know I had actual colors in the drop down list box but, one of members at ABG is color blind, so I scrapped that idea. What about others in the same situation who are color blind. So I thought it best we just use words.

The reason I call them "drive" colors is because they directly affect the drive components, they are not just to change tone, but actual properties of the distortion wave. So, I felt that Drive Colors were more descriptive of what they actually did. I was experimenting with trying to see what would happen to the distortion wave by blasting it with specific frequencies, in huge dosages. This was research into a Feed back device where I am trying to separate the second order harmonics...

Da_Wolf..Yes the knob should read "Color Dosage", Labeling around the knob should be Low..Mid..High...You did an awesome job on the skin dude Thanks..