Predictions for 2003


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
OK, here's some predictions for 2003 that may, or may not, come true.

spawn will go to see a band play live, meet the girl of his dreams at the gig, and live happily ever after.

Weetbix will learn to watch where he's going.

Spiff will start a new discussion forum, and no one will go there, either.

Koichi will stop being a smart arse.

Haupassia will stop making useless posts on Maiden Downunder and crack the 50 thread mark at Full Strength.

I will become prime minister.

That's all for now. It started off as a good idea, but now I just can't be fucked.
fuck you phlog, atleast im pushing heavy metal, what they fuck are you doing?
what the fuck does that have to do with anything!????????? i didnt say the only style to like is metal. geez, so Mark is pushing metal with UM, the dude at Blabbermouth is pushing metal, goreripper is pushing metal with his zine/webzine/radio show..... - is it their loss too???
if you ever bothered to visit Full Strength you would relize it doesnt just deal with metal
about Kylie Minoque and Robbie WIlliams? thats about the only 2 people ive ever bagged out. And you have never bagged anyone else out?????? give me a FUCKIN break
If you can find a posting by me that says that "<person> is shit" as opposed to "I think <person> is shit" I'll be most suprised.

There's also the wrestling thread and the LOTR thread that you've forgotten.

And on your insistance, I've visited Full Strength. Do you want to point out the bit that'snot about metal to me? And if it's really the case, you may want to change the tag that reads "Covering all genres from glam rock to the most extreme evil music out there"