Mark's Maiden Predictions For 2003-4

We still love Iron Maiden though :D

I know, Seventh Son is AWESOME, but if it wasnt meant to be a full on concept album, its even more half assed than I thought! :eek: :)
If you guy are searching for a producer for maiden (cause I fucking hate shirley to!) I reckon they should turn to one of the following:

Phil Magnotti
Neil Kernon
Roy Z
Fredrik Nordström

or just get Martin Birch out of retirement
NOT ROY Z!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

And Martin Birch wouldn't be able to do the job, unless they used an old studio (since he's not up on all the new digital bits, apparently)...

And the only issue I have with Maiden is that they seem to be lazy now -- they take the well-worn path, while proclaiming to be breaking new ground.
As much as I love Andy Sneap's work, I don't know if he would be right for Maiden. It would be interesting though. :)
Roy Z might be able to pull it off better, but I *do* like Kevin Shirley's work on BNW.

I actually think Seventh Son is quite overated, and one of my least liked Maiden albums. Sure, it has some excellent songs on it, but I just don't think as much of it as an overall album. It also features one of the worst songs Maiden ever recorded, Can I Play With Madness. :Puke:

'Scenes From A Memory', now theres a concept album!
Originally posted by Mark
NOT ROY Z!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Let go of your hate, it only leads to the dark side :)

I think Andy would be an awesome choice, Blaze's albums sound rocking! :D
He also needs to do a few more choruses' where they repeat the same line over and over again

Id actually like to see them do a few songs that dont have a chorus as such.


Hallowed Be Thy Name
Where Eagles Dare
Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

All Steve Harris classics.

Steve - whats up with all the choruses nowadays mate??
Don't get your panties in a bunch, I just mentioned it because of the repetitive chorus. :) And I do think it's a boring song, actually, now that I think about it.