Predictions: Headliners for PPUSA XXIII?


franks n steins
Nov 6, 2013
Does anyone care to predict who the headliners will be for Progpower USA XXIII in 2024?

I'll throw mine out there, and its probably crazy to even go there:


Here is my reasoning:

(1) The entire Xandria band will be attending this year's PPUSA, and so I'm thinking they will be somehow involved in the Friday night presentation of next year's bands. If so, it doesn't make sense they would be part of the presentation unless they were going to be a headliner.

(2) Savatage. Yes I am aware of Glenn's desire to have Jon Oliva and Savatage sing "When the Crowds are Gone" as the last song of Glenn's festival. He wants to retire from it after XXV, so why would he have Savatage play at XXIII? Well, the desire for closing down the festival with "When the Crowds are Gone" is so 2014. Besides, Savatage will be releasing a new album in 2024 that Jon Oliva says will be the best ever, and this will be his last. Based on his interview with Rock Hard Greece, if Glenn doesn't get Jon and Savatage to play in 2024, he may not get him at all. So based on the Rock Hard Greece interview, I'd say Savatage is definitely going to play in 2024.

What do you guys think?

Here is the interview (2 parts).

Rock Hard Greece - Interview with Jon Oliva (SAVATAGE) - Part 1

Rock Hard Greece - Interview with Jon Oliva (SAVATAGE) - Part 2
Ahh the folly of trying to predict Glenn's next move. I thought "zig", and he went "zag". Maybe we'll get Savatage in 2025?

However I was completely blown away by all the bands announced for 2024. This is going to be an awesome festival & I'm super excited. BTW, did you notice Dark Tranquility will be headlining day 2? Holy crap thats awesome too.

As you say, Winger was indeed unexpected, and I get what you're saying about Winger. Whatever our thoughts are, we know Glenn has thought this one out.

These are my thoughts as to "why Winger?": The announcement of Winger headlining day 4 is actually really good news, even for those who don't think Winger is a good fit. There is no doubt that Winger will attract a different crowd of metal fans as it will pull in some older rockers to the festival who may not have been keeping up. These will be the guys who grew up in the 80s and were into the 80s and early 90s hair & glam metal scene back in the day. (BTW, if you haven't noticed, glam metal is making a comeback in Europe.) Its my thoughts that Glenn is looking forward to keeping the festival going after he is no longer at the helm, and thats just after 3 short years from now. So to do that will require attracting some new PPUSA attendees. Note the other bands who will be playing before Winger takes the stage. These are mostly hard hitting bands who might appeal to the people Winger might bring in, and it will expose these Winger fans to the current power and progressive metal scene. 80s and 90s fans will be older with some disposable income who are looking to re-experience the days when they were young.

One other thing. If you remember when Tarja headlined day 4 a few years ago. This is similar to that. A lot of people left for the Artmore when Tarja came out. You could visibly see that a lot of people had left. The floor looked half empty, and the seats didn't look too filled either. She ended the festival with a soft touch. Winger will do the same, and of the 80-90s metal bands, Winger isn't a bad choice at all as they clearly had some talent. Of course in Tarja's case, Alestorm was a tough act to follow. Likewise Pagans Mind will be another hard act to follow as I expect they will bring down the house like Alestorm did before Tarja. But... Like Tarja fans, the Winger fans will stay and love every minute of it. You have to admit as musicians Winger did have talent,. I'm looking forward to seeing Winger play Pull more than when Tarja was announced for PPUSA XIX.

Of course, its possible I'm overthinking this Winger thing entirely. Yeah, probably am. I'm going to have to trust Glenn knows what he is doing here.

So its a win-win for the festival. Winger will have the ability to bring in a new group of people to the festival, and before they hit the stage we (and Winger fans) will be treated to one of the strongest lineups in the last few years. They don't get much bigger than amorphis, and we've got Pagan's Mind, Soen, Frozen Crown, Elegy, Lovebites, and a whole slew of bands who have never been to the festival before too! (How the hell did Glenn get amorphis?) So I'll stand by a comment I made earlier: sellout is imminent. No way tickets last the day for this one.

PS: Not sure you saw amorphis performance at Wacken this year, but it was in my opinion, the best performance of that festival for 2023. Here is the link:
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Well, Winger is not who I would have expected. That's not a complaint, mind you. Just.... never would have imagined it.

Now Lovebites and Frozen Crown.... those are a couple of gems.
You and about every other person (not in the know) wouldn't have imagined it, not even me. It was only fitting that the video player had a malfunction right after the Winger logo displayed at the unveiling in CenterStage, giving plenty of folks to think.... "is this a joke?, is the real headliner going to be displayed now?", something like "just kidding, here's the real headliner..."

But Glenn's been pimping that "Pull" album for long time now, and he's been posting on FB and other medias a lot of glam/sleaze rock gems recently. And... it's his party, we're just invited.

I think it's a genius move, and can't wait for the show. Pagan's Mind was completely out of left field. I thought those guys were done, so thrilled with that announcement that I couldn't care who the headliner would be.

Lots of new blood to get prepared for. Is it next year already?
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Fifth Angel





Frozen Crown



Damian Wilson

Pagan's Mind


PS: The astute may ask: "Why no Amazon links?" IMHO Bezos has enough cash.
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You and about every other person (not in the know) wouldn't have imagined it, not even me. It was only fitting that the video player had a malfunction right after the Winger logo displayed at the unveiling in CenterStage, giving plenty of folks to think.... "is this a joke?, is the real headliner going to be displayed now?", something like "just kidding, here's the real headliner..."

But Glenn's been pimping that "Pull" album for long time now, and he's been posting on FB and other medias a lot of glam/sleaze rock gems recently. And... it's his party, we're just invited.

I think it's a genius move, and can't wait for the show. Pagan's Mind was completely out of left field. I thought those guys were done, so thrilled with that announcement that I couldn't care who the headliner would be.

Lots of new blood to get prepared for. Is it next year already?

The video broke just at that second WInger headline was announced? Ha ha I wish I'd been there to see that. Thanks for sharing what will be festival lore.
I'm curious how the rest of the band announcements were received, especially amorphis. What was the reaction when Elegy was announced? Pagan's Mind is great news.
Amorphis got big crowd reaction, they headlined a few years ago and the place was packed then. I'm sure it will be well attended.
Elegy was decent reaction... all the bands get some kind of reaction in this crowd cuz it seems like each one is someone's favorite.
Probably one of the biggest reactions was for Lovebites as there was plenty of speculation on the social medias about the possibilities for them.
Huge response for Pagan's Mind, a PPUSA long time favorite.

There was lots of satisfied folks with the Day 2 announcements, especially Scar Symmetry and Dark Tranquility getting big responses.
So I assume since it's a 90 minute show we'll get other Winger songs, too, right? I've never been much of a Pull fan, it's fine, but for me the first two albums are where the real gems are.

I'm guessing they'll do Pull and then run through the big hits? Seventeen, Madeleine, Miles Away?
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And now Nathan pulling the rabbit out of the hat with a reformed Circus Maximus on Day 1... this is too good to be true!
Circus Maximus at ProgPower XVII was simply amazing. With Blind Guardian closing as a headliner, that whole night was amazing.
What has been reformed with Circus Maximus? What happened to them?
Not long after the announcement of next year's appearance, CM posted on their Facebook page:

"So!! Next we year are going back to where it all started! Our sixth visit to our beloved @progpowerusa in Atlanta, Georgia!

We will do a special set just for this evening and we are psyched to get back on the road again after some time in hiatus!

Love Mike, Mats, Glen, Lasse and Truls..."
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