
Sep 9, 2002

BLOODSTOCK 01 - Press Release.

In this age of a legion pre-fabricated boy and girl bands, it is often
difficult to remember the times when popular music was made by actual
musicians; Talented artistes with charisma and personality, instead of the
interchangeable, faceless 'Pop Stars' of the present day. An era of
innovation, as opposed to imitation. When the words 'Live In Concert' meant
exactly that; Rather than the mere choreographed charades we see everywhere
today, (the majority of which incorporate more computerised technology than
your average Space-Shuttle launch).

Whatever your personal opinion upon Heavy-Metal music may be, it is one of a
rare few musical styles which has successfully managed to maintain its
direction and integrity for three glorious decades. A genre which can
undoubtedly boast some of the most accomplished musicians history has ever
seen; As well as more than several of its loudest personalities! Great
Britain is in the eyes of many the birthplace of the Heavy-Metal sound; A
country where bands such as Hawkwind, Black Sabbath and Judas Priest, (to
name but very few), began a noble musical tradition that has continued to
create employment for several generations of government noise-inspectors
during the last thirty years or so!

If you open your ears, you will hear lots of Heavy-Metal all around you in
your everyday lives. Sports event promoters, television and radio
advertisers, film producers and computer game manufacturers; They have all
realised the potential that Heavy-Metal has for instantly grabbing people's
attention, as well as setting pulse-rates racing. I have always believed
that the music of youth should incite a little harmless outrage in the
members of the older generation: Yet it now seems that we are witnessing an
era where grandparents and their teenage grandchildren all sit happily
side-by-side upon the sofa, singing along in unison with the latest bland
chart sensation.

Heavy-Metal has often been branded as 'the devil's music'; Yet they say that
the devil has all the best tunes! Whilst the mainstream charts languish in
their complacent coma; In numerous rehearsal-rooms and warehouses across
this very land, guitars are being tuned, and drum-kits diligently polished
in preparation for the underground Heavy-Metal event of the year. A monster
is slowly waking from a restless, ten year slumber, and on Monday, May 28th
2001 its thunderous footfall shall be heard unto the farthest reaches of the
British Isles.

BLOODSTOCK 01 is to be a festival promoted by the fans, and for the fans.
Amust4music is a Midlands musical cooperative, an honourable and dedicated
organisation with a common goal; To raise the profile of the music we love
here in the U.K. We are currently in the process of gathering together the
very best bands which our country has to offer; Many of which currently are
not receiving the press coverage that they rightly deserve. A varied
selection of entertainment is planned. Rock legends from the past will
appear on the same stages as the stars of tomorrow; Unique and avant-garde
performers will aim to show you just how entertainingly creative Heavy-Metal
musicians can be. We intend to make this festival a day for all to remember;
Where every Metal-fan, band and crew- member, merchandiser, caterer and
organiser has a thoroughly enjoyable time. Sixteen extremely different
British acts upon two separate stages, a Metal-market and fully-licensed
bar; With reasonable drink prices I hasten to add! We are offering you
nothing less than twelve glorious hours of Raw British Beef - In short, a
great day out for the entire (Addams) family!

We have chosen Derby Assembly Rooms, Derby U.K. to be the hosts to this
unique event; Primarily because of their fairly central location within the
British Isles, proximity to East Midlands and Birmingham International
Airports, excellent facilities, and extremely friendly and efficient staff.
Despite the fact that our business advisors are constantly reminding us that
the admission price of £25.00 per ticket, (subject to booking fee), is
rather low for an event as ambitious as ours; We at Amust4music simply will
not even consider making them any more expensive to buy. We want BLOODSTOCK
01 to be a festival that everyone can easily afford to come along to; It is
also intended to be the first of many similar events to be planned for the
future. We must all work together in order to make this event happen; and
failure is certainly not an option. It will require the full support and
assistance of every like-minded journalist, D.J. , musician, roadie and
ticket-buying fan to turn BLOODSTOCK 01 into the festival it truly deserves
to be. But if we can all stand united in this most noble cause, Amust4music
firmly believes that upon Monday, May 28th 2001 we may possibly witness the
birth of a legend!