Pretty Colors in reaper


Oct 26, 2009

I downloaded a few themes from reaper's website, and I have the file in the correct spot.. But for some reason I can't get it to look like it does in the screen shot.

All of the background colors look correct, but for some reason I can't get the tracks to look like complete faggatory as pictured. They look like a rainbow, and I want mine to look like that. It looks as though you can change color of the track AND a take?

How does one do such a thing?
Options > Preferences > Appearance > Track Control Panels > Tint Track Panel Background (UNCHECK)
I like to check "set track label background to custom track colors" because it helps me, but you may want to uncheck it.

By the way, have you tried the Adam´s theme (I know he just adjusted a previously released theme, but I forgot the original name). I think it´s beautiful. Here´s a screenshot of the theme (and the menu where the checkboxes are)
You have to color your own tracks manually. Preferences - Appearance - Media - Tint media/item.... Mess with these until you get what you want.

edit:narco beat me to it. Highly recommend Adam's theme (search for it in his reaper/pro tools thread)
Options > Preferences > Appearance > Track Control Panels > Tint Track Panel Backgroundk (UNCHECK)
I like to check "set track label background to custom track colors" because it helps me, but if you may want to uncheck it.

By the way, have you tried the Adam´s theme (I know he just adjusted a previously released theme, but I forgot the original name). I think it´s beautiful. Here´s a screenshot of the theme (and the menu where the checkboxes are)

Where can I download that at?