Pretty Interesting Ebay Item...have a look !!

How about a gold one, so I can have some Opeth bling-bling? Seriously though, that's pretty nice. Somebody bid that thing up, the poor guy's only making $3.00/hr at 50 euros.
believe me guys , it looks incredible...
the guy who did it is a friend of mine and it took even a bit more than 20 hours to do it...and 50 euros for 20 hours of work isn't that expensive !! moreover , it's made with mahogany wood so ...
and he told me that it has been so hard to realize that he's gonna surely not make one again....
so bid guys !!!
This is fantastic but I agree that on guitar it´s pretty lame... When will we see signature PRS guitars with the opeth logo on the 12 fret? :)