Pretty Interesting Ebay Item...have a look !!

yeah but the guy (my friend) who did it is not an opeth fan!! he just finds that the "O" looks fucking good !!! but believe me , 20 hours is not that much to create a sculpture in wood !!!!! have you seen all the details he's done ?? believe me (i saw it of course) it's amazing !!
i admit i still don't understand !!
the actual price is 50 euros so about 60 USD ...
if you're interested , just bid...if you are but you think it's a bit too expensive , send me a message at with "your" price and i'll see with him ,ok ?
Cheers !
Its quite cheap considering what it is. Fact is, it doesnt realy serve much of a purpose to anyone, so you may want to offer it to the band?
Hey , it's not up to me coz it's not mine !! and you know , the guy (my friend) who did it doens't really care about opeth (unfortunately for him) ...he just found the "O" pretty cool...
he wants to sell it just to earn some money ...coz he've seen some people buying opeth "useless" stuff (especially me !!) on ebay like handmade pins etc etc...he just tried his chance !! but i really think it deserves more intention than the other item coz believe me ,it's so damn cool !!
nothing useful actually !!

I'm gonna stick it on my guitar and as soon as i see the band (once again) ,i'll ask them to sign it !!! :loco: :loco: i think they're gonna be pleased !! well , i hope they will !!
i don't think you realize how little this "o" is !! i don't think they could sign on it !! a guitar would be easier to sign !! :tickled:
and i sent a photo of that for the "fan section" on the official website...i'm gonna see first how they react... if they think it's pretty crap ( :err: ) i'll let down !!