Pretty Interesting Ebay Item Once Again...Have A Look !

I had 2 of those grey 7" vinyls when they came out. i waited a few months and sold both of them on ebay for about $125 and $100...i was pretty satisfied with that.
Yeah ,he did give it to me...but what could i do when i told me a week ago to sell it coz he needed money to buy seeds in Holland ?? :loco: :loco:
And stop being rude , you crap don't have any other argument ? i guess you're just jealous coz you can't do that with your own shitty useless hands...
x3x opeth x2x said:
hahaha i just think its gay that this guy has to claim that his friend needs money and cant just say "hey i made this shitty little wooden thing so will somebody please buy it cuz its useless"

Sure man, it's so "gay" that he or his friend made something pretty nice, put some effort into it, and wants to sell it. It's no less useful than a button or a sticker with the Opeth logo on it, and it's far less common than those. People on this forum need to relax.

Nice O, man... don't let angsty people get you down about it :p
x3x opeth x2x , I (we?) just would like to know who you think you are to think that you're allowed to bring your shitty mood in this forum when you have been a member of this so-called forum for only 2 months...
but don't worry, we all know who you are now and i wish that we all are gonna remember your (crap) nickname...
oh , btw , just know that , even if nobody bidded on the wodden OPETH "O" so far , that doesn't mean that anybody is interested by it : i have already somebody on it and , believe me , he's far away from being as slutty as you are...
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
x3x opeth x2x , I (we?) just would like to know who you think you are to think that you're allowed to bring your shitty mood in this forum >> agreed...i like the ignore user function...

well, not sure what all the 'tude is about up there, but i think it's rather nice. looks cool on the guitar.
how much is 30,000 euros ;-)
in the usa, this don't mean much... anyway, i am broke, so i can't but anything, but i think it's cool.
ignore the major morons.
everybodys fascinated with woodies. ok well anyways ive only been on this shit for 2 months because i have friends i dont sit on the comp all day whackin off to opeth.and about ur boyfriend not being as slutty as me its hard to be slutty when ur a fat old man