Preview Clips for an EP I'm working on.


- far too much compression.

- the guitars are incredibly out of tune... and a bit "loud" in the mix (they don't really sit well).

- not much of a stereo image.

- drums sound week and powerless.

- there is almost no low end. (at least, coming out of my monitors - *adam a7's)


- the guitar stutters and other production effects could sound really cool if they weren't riddled in the mix.

- the vocals sound pretty decent... that can all change though after you have "fixed" the guitars.
What are you doing to the guitars? They sound like they're being recorded from inside a box almost.
I can barely hear any bass.
There's way too much master compression.
The vocals sound pretty good.
The drums could use some saturation and some low end for sure. Are these all Sturgis drums?
The snare is kinda puny. Try raising 200hz a little and maybe some clipping?
The effects are really cool.
You should try referencing your mix to one that you think sounds close to it or maybe just the sound you're going for.

Sounds pretty good in the long run though. I'd say if you just bus compressed the drums and added some saturation and maybe brought the cymbals down and worked on the guitars and mess with the mastering chain you'll have some great sounding stuff! :)