Mix test for upcoming EP I'm about to be writing and recording


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
Me and a friend of mine have decided to write a 5 track EP this summer as were both musically deprived. This is a mix/master I have been working on in preparation. Pre production I guess. Ignore the shitty song writing, it was just for the sake of tone testing blah blah blah


We're going to be looking for vocalist and our main resource is probably we going to be right here. We don't want to be gigging or anything, just an internet based thing to keep us entertained! If your interested hit me up, or try something over this for fun.

This probably ISN'T going to be the very final mix and master (obviously) but a long these lines. Eventually all guitars are going to be re amped through a 5150, orange 4x12 with v30s. But until then, any feedback is appreciated!

Bit thanks to timislegend for helping me so much with this :)
Thanks a lot man! Guitars are nothing special at all really, usual pod farm set up just for pre production/tracking purposes until I re amp. Just some mild EQ. HP/LP to 9k and 95, small scoop at around 400, cut 4 k out, small scoop around 3k and a tiny boost around 5-6k. After that its just a multi band comp for the low resonant frequencies on the palm mutes and a limiter, not cranked too hard though.
I really wanna know how to do those guitar glitchy sounds. Care to explain? Sick mix!
I know it's hand sliced, but how does it get that sound? Is it an open chord and he cuts a pattern? That's it?
Thanks a lot man! Guitars are nothing special at all really, usual pod farm set up just for pre production/tracking purposes until I re amp. Just some mild EQ. HP/LP to 9k and 95, small scoop at around 400, cut 4 k out, small scoop around 3k and a tiny boost around 5-6k. After that its just a multi band comp for the low resonant frequencies on the palm mutes and a limiter, not cranked too hard though.

Haha, "Guitar's are nothing special"? I still think you did an awesome job on that tone. Nice work.
Is it the usual Gate > TS > Cali Diamond plate > Treadplate 4X12?
I know it's hand sliced, but how does it get that sound? Is it an open chord and he cuts a pattern? That's it?

Yep. Or just cut a chunk out of a chord in 32nds or 64ths and copy and paste it

Haha, "Guitar's are nothing special"? I still think you did an awesome job on that tone. Nice work.
Is it the usual Gate > TS > Cali Diamond plate > Treadplate 4X12?

haha thanks man :)

Yeah thats the one!
yea man! ...this turned out really great!

the snare sounds weird to me still though. but it's top notch for some pre-pro! ;)
Just wondering, where would you place the fade's on each slice? Left side? Right Side? or both?
Yep. Or just cut a chunk out of a chord in 32nds or 64ths and copy and paste it

Could you possibly post a Youtube how to? I really wan learn how to do this, and I can't seem how to get the right sound. If I could see how its done, I might be able to figure it out
Hey man, sorry to bump this again, but here was my attempt. the mix isnt mastered or anything, not even touched, except for the glitches. What do ya think?

EDIT: I also know this doesn't directly apply to the OP, but since I was given some tips about this particular sound, I felt it was right to do it here, rather starting a whole thread that would probably only garner 1 to 2 replies.
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