Price of the records


Jun 25, 2002
Damn, I tried to get Satyricon - vinyl boxset today from the Finnish "Ebay" and the damned thing got around 155 euros. I bid somewhere near 140, but that was it. I thought my maximum would have been 120, but when I saw what fuckhead bidded against me, I had to raise the price a bit more, just to make him pay more. :grin:

No real reason for this topic really.
Erik said:
I wish I had all the money you do to spend on fukkin heaps of Norwegian vinyl.

I've just stopped to buy "ok" albums and use that money to get something good. 3 ok albums = one really great album in moneywise.

I've also done few good trades lately, like this one:

Bought Ildjarn - Landscapes 2CD for 9€, traded that to Malign - Divine Facing 10" and traded that to Gehenna - First Spell MLP.
Erik said:
Hehe, yeah, that's good... You just seem to get those good albums on several formats and versions, like those Borknagar and Dawn albums and so forth... and I guess you already have those Satyricon records on CD and/or regular vinyl. Which makes me conclude that you gotta have more money than you can reasonably spend on albums you don't already have :loco:

Well, mostly I get rid of the cd-versions when I've obtain the vinyl, but not always. Borknagar - S/T LP costed 35 euros (no shipping needed, hand to hand) and now I can sell the re-issue LP so it was not that much after all. I just got Ancient - Svartalvheim LP about a week ago, but let's not bring that price here :blush: , but mostly I don't pay that much of anything.
General Zod said:
I don't understand the appeal of vinyl, beyond the artwork.


Well one thing is, that there are often more music, than on cd. Like Ancient's Trolltaar MLP has 4 songs as the cd-version has only 3 songs. Then there are these 7" releases that are not available on cd at all. Also the coverart that you mentioned and the fact, that when using vinyl, you almost never put on record as backgroundmusic, but really listen what you're playing.

Also some music sounds a lot better from vinyl.