Priest Feast Sheffield 13/02/09


Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
It's actually a little sad that I've only ever made 3 of these's been SO long since my last real gig. Thank the Metal Gods it turned out to be the best gig I have ever been to (besides the one where I met PQ of course). :kickass: :headbang:

- Testiccles (Testament) were alright but the sound for the guitars sort of meshed together making only the solos distinguishable and the vocals had too much delay - didn't really make them sound their best. Solid thrash though.

- Megadeth were fantastic and got straight to the point without any Dave Mustaine For President political rants/lectures. Their setlist was filled with consecutive gems. Extremely tight playing, each solo for Hangar 18 was spot on.

- Priest were just unbelievable. Talk about putting on a show and engaging the I thought they'd literally blow the fucking roof off the venue! The lighting, the atmosphere, Rob's costumes, their very stage presence and performance was award-winning. Phenomenal setlist. It was a Priest fan's version of heaven.

Anyway, I'll shut up now and share some pics with you :) : Feast 09/?start=all
Nope....couldn't make it! As it turned out I was on the phone with work for a fair bit of saturday night.

A mate of mine (Ian from the Southampton band The Psychics) went to the London show and he said it was awesome. He;'s been into Priest since the early 80's but said he could have lived without the new material
It was absolutely sublime mate. I've met Ian before, right? The problem was, one of the 2 new songs they played was Death, which in my opinion is one of the far weaker tracks off Nostradamus (which is an overall great album). But Testament, Deth & Priest were ALL absolutely on fire.