Primal Fear cd release party

JayKeeley said:
Go to Derby instead. They're playing at Bloodstock this year.

Honestly Ayeka, Primal Fear are possibly one of the worst bands on the planet. Horrible JP Painkiller clones, that don't even have the creativity in coming up with their own album covers. Each one is basically a copy of Screaming for Vengeance.

Anyway, the final evidence is in the picture below. The chick with the dungmask had the option of either listening to a Primal Fear album, or having the bearded dude shit all over her face. Guess which option she chose?
Screaming For Vengeance I always thought to be overrated...but Painkiller! :loco: Sounds good! I've always said if you were going to rip somebody off, at least rip off somebody good! And seeing as I dig Hammerfall this is still sounding good...hopefully I can judge at Bloodstock! :D (if my mates don't pussy out on me this time...)

For the record, scat people rank under Jews, druggies and False Metalheads on the list of people I'd Happily Beat The Shit Out Of Any Day :angel:
Ayeka said:
Screaming For Vengeance I always thought to be overrated...but Painkiller! :loco: Sounds good! I've always said if you were going to rip somebody off, at least rip off somebody good!
Well, just to clarify, I meant that they copied the artwork concept from SfV for their own album covers (mechanical eagles), not so much the sound. But yeah, they have taken the Painkiller sounds and just cloned them into a batch of poor copies. It's like they found all the rejected riffs that Downing and Tipton threw out from the Painkiller sessions, dumbed them down, and recorded them with a karaoke artist who wishes he was Halford's genitalia mullet pubes.
markgugs said:
It's not that, it's just that Royal Carnage isn't so single-power-metal-minded. That, and most of our staff/readers have the good sense to realize that Primal Fear is teh suX0r.
If you had checked out you would realize that we are not "single-power-metal-minded" as you put it. Obviously if you went to our website you would see that we feature all types of metal. Just so happens we had the opportunity to do this for Primal Fear. I think its pretty cool that our website can function in the public and bring the metal to the people. I would think we would be supported for our efforts instead of knocking one band just because you don't like them.
npearce said:
Maybe you wouldn't be getting hazed so much if you would participate in some other form than advertising. Maybe I shouldn't even have to say that.
Bingo. There's a reason that :Spam: is the most useful smiley at Besides Mr. Spinny of course.


JayKeeley said:
Well, just to clarify, I meant that they copied the artwork concept from SfV for their own album covers (mechanical eagles), not so much the sound. But yeah, they have taken the Painkiller sounds and just cloned them into a batch of poor copies. It's like they found all the rejected riffs that Downing and Tipton threw out from the Painkiller sessions, dumbed them down, and recorded them with a karaoke artist who wishes he was Halford's genitalia mullet pubes.
Ok, I'll take it into account if I get the chance to listen. Cheers for the heads-up.
wayland smithers said:
If you had checked out you would realize that we are not "single-power-metal-minded" as you put it. Obviously if you went to our website you would see that we feature all types of metal. Just so happens we had the opportunity to do this for Primal Fear. I think its pretty cool that our website can function in the public and bring the metal to the people. I would think we would be supported for our efforts instead of knocking one band just because you don't like them.
I'm very familiar with your site; I know Rich well. I've also spent hours talking to Rich about his tastes, and the general direction/metal coverage for the site, and with little exception, it's about power metal.

I always support a 'zine that does what it does just for the love of the music, but please don't talk about it as if you're providing some huge public service. Jeez. None of this changes the fact that Primal Fear blows, btw.
Black Winter Day said:
well he was here just now, hovering... he can't get enough!
There's just no stopping this guy! No sir!
