Primal Fear & Iced Earth

Peter Day

Oct 14, 2001
Ickleford. Hitchin.UK
anyone else got these two amazing albums?
think they are both storming albums.

so what has everyone else been up to of late...not enough talk on this forum.
any recommendations to check out new bands?

has anyone noticed that certain rock venues/ shows are selling out?! (ie Dragonforce and now the Firehouse/vaughan show at the underworld). last year i bet these shows would have been half full.
only heard one primal fear song, will listen to more when i get the chance

got iced earth's album tho (cos ripper was on vocals), and think it's great

haven't been able to get to any gigs recently to see what attendances are like, cos of the area i'm living in
Got all Primal Fear albums and all Iced Earth albums yes! hehe

I have also not had the opportunity to attend any recent gigs of the sort mentioned....As no bands like that come up north as far as me but I have heard off people that gigs are selling more tickets and 'true' metal is getting more of the attention it so deserves