Primal Fear new album news

Primal Fear are storming back with a brand new studio album, set to be their best ever record! Seven Seals was produced by the group's bassist, Mat Sinner, along with Charlie Bauerfeind (Blind Guardian, Halford, Hammerfall), at the House of Music studio near Stuttgart, Germany and was mixed at the Warehouse studio in Vancouver, British Columbia with Mike Fraser (AC/DC, Metallica, Coverdale/Page, Slipknot, Aerosmith, The Cult). Mastering duties were handled by Achim Köhler at Indiscreet Mastering and Björn Engelmann at the Cutting Room in Sweden.
Seven Seals is scheduled for released in Japan/Asia via JVC on October 5, US & Canada on October 15 and Europe, South America, Australia October 21.

I got this off

Primal Fear for next year maybe? pu-pu-pu-pu-please?

Evil said:
how about the real thing instead Creeps... Judas Priest ;)
My thoughts exactly. I'd like to see Primal Fear live (though their last disc was terribly boring), and I'm sure they'd probably go over really well at PP. However, if they ever had an original bone in their collective bodies, I'm sure it's died of loneliness by now.

General Zod said:
My thoughts exactly. I'd like to see Primal Fear live (though their last disc was terribly boring), and I'm sure they'd probably go over really well at PP. However, if they ever had an original bone in their collective bodies, I'm sure it's died of loneliness by now.

Wasn't there a report from the band several months ago in which they stated that they were planning a change in style? I seem to recall that, but then never heard anything more about it.

:headbang: Everyone is entitled to their opinion...but as far as I am concerned, when it comes to Power Metal, Primal Fear just destroys it live :worship: ...they are that good...I have seen them three times may say they are Priest clones as their styles are similar (JP on steroids is more like it) but they take everything to a new level. They are awesome musicians, ripping guitar leads and Ralph Scheepers can sing and scream with the best of them. For my money they are the best Power Metal band out today. I have been hoping for a PP performance for 5 years now!!! :hotjump:
I love when press releases say stupid shit like this:

Primal Fear are storming back with a brand new studio album, set to be their best ever record!

well, DUUUH... why would they set out to make a WORSE record, on purpose?

ehh... give me Sinner over this boring, unoriginal band any day. Sinner isn't exactly the height of originality either, but is much more interesting IMO.
Ahh, it's refreshing to see metalheads living in 1982 with Judas Priest again. Hey, I hear Deep Purple are still at it too! Now if we could only have Rainbow back. What a tour THAT would be!!!
I would love to see Primal Fear. I also think that they would go over well at PP. I will be the first one to admit they they are a Judas Priest sound alike to the 10th power. That is what I like about them. Not that they sound like Judas Priest but that they sound like what Judas Priest should sound like. It's Painkiller on Roids.

When Halford left, Primal Fear fillled the void. I was hoping that When Halford came back that they would take me back with them. They did not.

I grew up on Priest and have nothing but the upmost respect for what they have done for Metal. But there is a new sherriff in town and he's kicking ass and his name is Primal Fear.

I am not usually big on clones, but if your music kicks my ass harder than the band your cloning then I have to give you some respect.

Let's face it, (although not a clone) Pagans Mind is what I think Queensryche should sound like or maybe QR should at least sound like Power of Omens minus that Drummer with ADD. Don't get me wrong, the kid is great....but damn.....slow it down a bit. I understand he is no longer with them. My point is that although Primal fear is a much more direct rip off, they at least are biulding on what they are ripping off....IMHO. Don't tell me that Power of Omens are not ripping off Queensryche. But I think it is great because it is better than the shit that QR is putting out.

To that end, Primal Fear are OKAY in my book.
I wouldn't mind PF at PP, but I don't know if I could take more than about 20 min. You know the old saying, "A little bit goes a long way".
And I'm sure every band you nay-sayers listen to are completely orignal. Jeez, lighten up, they're a great band. It's hard to be an original sounding band. There are only so many notes and chords you can play on a guitar, and it's all been done before.

Primal Fear would rule PP if Glenn so says so. Sure, they might not be everyone's cup of tea, but not every band Glenn books has every fan around the stage when they're playing for one reason or another.

And for the record, I am a huge Priest fan. And the only Priest album that Primal Fear really sounds like is Painkiller, and that's not 1/2 bad for me. Hell Painkiller in itself sparked a genre.

For every band there is, you can compare them to someone else. It's called influence. Some wear it on their sleeves, but that's not wrong. Do you think people will not like Circus Maximus cos they sound like Dream Theatre?
Primal Fear would maybe steal the show, play with a lot of energy, but I don't think they would "rule" the festival.

I would be interesting to see them at ProgPower once, I wouldnt mind. I'm sure it'd be enjoyable.
I have the new album and its pretty good. I must say that its nothing different from what they have done in the past, I think its a good mix of Nuclear Fire and Black Sun. The different element is the added orchestrations behind most of the songs. It adds some definite dimension to their sound and I think there are less Priest like moments also. I really like the title track, its mid tempo and has almost a ballad feel to it, the chorus is real good with the orchestration behind it. Its still very traditional Primal fear but they did do a few different things. Its pretty cool, not so Priestish, but I still liked that about em, I thought Black Sun was a great disc.
Azrael LenGraden said: may say they are Priest clones as their styles are similar (JP on steroids is more like it) but they take everything to a new level.
As you said, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Now, I'm kind of curious about yours. What makes them "Judas Priest on steroids"? Such a statement infers that they've taken what Priest does to the next level. Yet the vocals, the guitar playing, and most certainly the song writing, aren't as good as JP's. Hell, I'll take Priest's last disc over PF's (which isn't saying much).

Azrael LenGraden said:
They are awesome musicians, ripping guitar leads and Ralph Scheepers can sing and scream with the best of them. For my money they are the best Power Metal band out today.
Don't get me wrong, I like Primal Fear well enough, would like to see them live, and think they would kill at PP. That being said, I would find it tough to call someone the best Power Metal band, when their sound lacks originality. Just my opinion.

I think PF has taken what JP does to a different level. It's just a matter of ones personal opinion as to wether or not it is a higher or lower level. PF took the pain killer sound and ran with it and I think they do a good job of it. Let's not forget that JP never sounded like they did on Pain Killer before that. There is a whole back catalog that is unique to JP. Has PF ever recorded a song like "Victim of Changes". I think not.

In the end, PF is a very fun metal band. Judas Priest are Metal/Music Icons. I agree that it would be difficult for me to call any band that is a "clone" the best thing out there. I do believe that PF are putting out material that is more fun to listen to today, but at the end of the day, they are still a JP sound alike band.
Again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion ...but I disagree with you. I think PF are on par and in most cases better in recent years.
I have the utmost respect for Priest as I grew up on them and have seen them 10+ times...I just believe that PF have more intensity and energy now. I was very disappointed with the latest Priest CD as I felt it lacked intensity and feel. My favorite song was "Eulogy" as it was the most emotional song on there. I thought Halford's first solo CD was better than the latest JP, it was produced better as well. Being a sound engineer, I have disliked Glen's guitar tone for the past ten years, just to tinty and no balls. I am greatly disappointed in Glen's recent solos as well...sounds like he is more interested in making noise than a well structured lead. Glen and KK don't do as many cool harmony leads as they used to (Tom and Stefan pull of many of them and and they make it look effortless). I saw PF and Halford on the GODS OF METAL tour and on that given night, Rob didn't have anything vocally over Ralph. The production that PF gets is phenomenal as well for what they do, in your face and a great mix. When I want to get hyped up and kick it up a notch, I always grab a PF CD and off I go. I'm just happy that there are bands like PF to carry on the tradition of a band like JP.
Azrael LenGraden said:
I think PF are on par and in most cases better in recent years.
In recent years... overall? I have no problem with that statement. Though, if you compared only their last CDs (both of whch were not especially enjoyable), I'd take JP.

Azrael LenGraden said:
I just believe that PF have more intensity and energy now.
I would certainly hope so. Most grandkids have more energy than their grandparents.

Azrael LenGraden said:
I was very disappointed with the latest Priest CD as I felt it lacked intensity and feel.
I wouldn't say I was disappointed, as I wasn't expecting anything special from a band who is clearly in the twilight of their career.

Azrael LenGraden said:
I saw PF and Halford on the GODS OF METAL tour and on that given night, Rob didn't have anything vocally over Ralph.
I would hope not. How old is Rob?

Azrael LenGraden said:
The production that PF gets is phenomenal as well for what they do, in your face and a great mix.

Azrael LenGraden said:
I'm just happy that there are bands like PF to carry on the tradition of a band like JP.
I am as well. Our only real disagreement is with calling them the best band in the Power Metal genre. Obviously, you're entitled to your opinion. I personally have a tough time with that statement, given that I feel that they lack orginality, which I consider a key element of true greatness.

I've heard the new album and it is different. Like Wayland said there are many orchestrations that you are not used to from this band. The keys really shine through on a lot of these tracks but in a unique good way. I think a lot of people will be pleasantly suprised.
Azrael LenGraden said:
Great discussion Zod!!! :headbang:
Out of curiousity, who is your favorite Power Metal band out now? :Spin:
I guess it depends who you consider Power Metal. Genres are so lucid, it's hard to know who fits where. If Nevermore qualifies (I don't think they do, but I've heard them described as PM) than it's Nevermore, as they are my favorite band... period. Beyond that, my favorites are:

Iced Earth
Evergrey (are they Power Metal?)
Shaye's Fiance's Band (better known as Tad Morose)

How about you?
