Prime has left the building


Feb 4, 2002
Well with the temporary unemployment situation I'm facing I won't be able to lurk or post as often as I do now. Granted I will still stop in from time to time to check up on you all. But uncle Prime has to sign off for a little while after today. Its been fun pestering you all on a daily basis. I know life will go on without me. It just wont be as good. Alex, Justin, Brat, Maiden, DD,TD, Mich, Sean, Buddy, Thrax dude and any one else I forgot to mention, I wish you all the best. I hope to see you at the shows. Take it easy or take it sleazy I'm out like Wingers career.
Jeff (prime666) D.

PS. Like the governor said. "I'll be back"....
Is that why you have a different e-mail address?
Good luck (don't know when you'll read this).

And let us know how things go........