Primordial + Mael Mordha + Grand Magus @ Underworld / London - Feb. 2 2008


I'm so fucking there!#?kj;sdfas

I'm like 20 minute walk. Need a place to stay?
I was already planning to go with Primordial and Grand Magnus... then fucking Mael!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy fuck! :kickass:!!!!
I can probably just have 2, and at the very maximum 3, and that'd be incredibly cramped. It's a small dorm room, and you'd have to sleep on the floor.
Floor isn't a problem for me.

Bus: 162.00 EUR
Room: Free
Tickets: ????
Food/Beer: It's London so probably like 60 euros...

Not bad, I worked it out, I can work friday, take the bus at 7:30 (bringing food and sleepign pills for the trip), I get to london at 12:20 Saturday.. Victoria coach station... so how do I get to your pad swizzie? I'd leave again at 2:30 on sunday... and get back to berlin at 9:30 and go to bed and sleep. Only need 1 days vacation. :D

edit: so where can I buy the tickets? found it...