Primordial on the reality of touring in the States


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Posted on Nomismouth: (Bazinga!)

The Obelisk: Are there any plans to come back to the U.S. to tour?

Alan Averill: Since we toured the U.S. the last time, we've been offered three or four tours, but it comes back to the recession and the whole thing in Ireland. It's made the liberties we can perhaps take with work a couple years ago almost negligible now. They're just not there. It's almost impossible to find the same space in time to do. It's made it very difficult. And don't forget, touring [there] is like a hiding to nothing, because the dollar is so weak against the euro. When people go home and they have kids… Like on that last tour, MOONSORROW were playing for nothing. They were playing for $400 a night. You play to 1,200 people in Montreal, and someone hands you $400, which is the price of, what, 32 tickets? But there you go. I don't think people realize that when they see the band that it's such a relative sacrifice that you make, especially when venues are taking 30 percent of your t-shirt sales and stuff... Every venue takes between 20 and 30 percent of your merch and there's nothing you can do. They have someone to stand there with a clicker, clicking the t-shirts they sell. Nothing you can do about it, it's just become part of what touring America is. If you add import tax, printing costs, 20-30 percent gone and how strong the Euro is against the dollar, if we don't sell a t-shirt for more than $15, we are basically giving them away. Seeing as we had one for $12 on that tour, we might as well just give them away to people outside.

The Obelisk: Or sell them out the back of a van.

Alan Averill: They won't let you do that. There's always going to be some stupid law that you can't have an open vendor or something in the car park. Believe me. People come and they balk at the $25 entry price, and I understand that too, but I think people are probably a bit blind to the brutal economics of the situation. MOONSORROW. There's a band that sells 20,000 records, playing for free. For nothing. And some of those guys have kids, they have jobs. There's a third kid coming for PRIMORDIAL in July. How do you justify going to America to play for a month and bring home, what, $150 a week? "Here you go." So it's a hard thing to do. We are going to manage to do it before the end of the year, but I think unless you're one of the bands headlining at the top and still able to bring 500 people in the States, or if you live in Eastern Europe and your tour America, it might be easier. In Ireland, where the cost of living is so high, it's difficult. But I'm not complaining (laughs). I'm just stating the fact. After all, we're still a metal band and part of being fuckin' metal is just fuckin' putting your nose to the grindstone and doing what you have to do. I love being on tour. I'm not gonna bitch and complain and moan about it. We put in 100 percent every time we play. But there's certain facts surrounding it.

The Obelisk: That stuff is a concern, definitely.

Alan Averill: I remember having an argument with somebody in Montreal and I was asking the merch girl, "Can we fiddle this?" and there was a guy standing behind her and he was like, "Nah man, it's the law." "Well, what law?" And he goes, "It's the law." "Well, it might be your law, but it's not the law of the state. Do you realize where all these bands are from? Do you realize how much they're getting paid, how much money they get to make, and you want 30 percent of it for nothing?" He just went, "It's the law." It's not the fucking law. I don't think the Canadian government is forcing these people, "You have to take 30 percent of these bands' merch." And they're trying to bring it in in Europe. There's no such thing as a band union. What you would need would be SLAYER to stand up for all the little bands to stop it happening to them, but they're never gonna do that, are they? Those guys are probably being paid $40,000 a night to play anyway, so they make their money. You would need the CHILDREN OF BODOMs of this world to go, "No, we're not playing your venues unless you take away your 30 percent" or whatever, but realistically, that's never gonna happen. I'm sorry. That's my little thing.
Yeah but the guys who stand there selling the stuff do. They get a fair bit (based on what I've overheard).

Still, touring is a a terrible industry for somebody who wants to make a living when they have obligations to anybody other than themselves.
And for the record...I take nothing from the merch at the fest.

You seem to be one of the few good ones. Most of the venues up here in the NYC area are fucking thugs. Somebody actually told me that BB King's, for instance, wanted to raise the merchandise fees for the bands. Five years ago, this fee was 30% of the price of the item. I'd hate to be one of these bands and have to give these rats almost half of your weekly meals.
This is one of the reasons more of the smaller bands like Primordial (in comparison to metal bands who do well on their own like Bodom and In Flames) need to use DIY venues when they come to America. No cuts of merch, more money going straight to the bands, and people putting on the shows actually care about the music instead of just running some rock club.
Yeah but the guys who stand there selling the stuff do. They get a fair bit (based on what I've overheard).

You want the venue to inventory, sell, and manage the band's merch/money for free? And their fair bit is 15%---far below industry standards. The 30% he is referencing is including the band providing their own merch person also.

If the bands provide their own merch person, they retain 100% of their sales. How much more fair can that be?

I am very sensitive to this issue as I worked my ass off to get this kind of deal in place for the bands.
15%? Okay. I thought I heard them say higher. And obviously they need to take a cut. Wasn't saying it was wrong, just saying that the bands don't get 100% unless they sell it themselves. And yeah 15% is a really nice deal from what I understand.
Reading something like this can piss me off, especially when crappy bands here in the states rake in millions. This is even more reason why metal fans should BUY their band's music and not rely on torrents. Its simply the right thing to do in order to support your favorite musicians.

Similar thing happens at larger UK venues too, where other than providing you with a booth/table to actually put your merchandise on....nothing actually is done to warrant a 20% (for example) cut of the takings. this is particularly tough if you are part of the support bill and not actually on a fee for performing anyway.

I've experienced many times the other unfortunate thing when you are forced to "price match" with the bigger bands as well. Sure people may pay £25 for a major band shirt but to entice people to buy merch from a band they may have only just discovered that night, there is no way you can put more than £15 on a shirt.

It's certainly tough out there if you don't have significant financial backing. But as Alan alluded to, if we were all doing this for financial reasons alone....we would have to have our heads tested! lol!
Of course the other side of the argument is that the venues are always taking a bit of a risk when they book a band, because they have to make a lot of money to keep their place operating too.
That is the reality of touring here in the US, and it sucks. Wish it was better, then there would be more tours happening.
Well come to Kansas City!!! We dont do that here!! Probably because we dont get shit for concerts, but I dont believe that is the policy here.
Well come to Kansas City!!! We dont do that here!! Probably because we dont get shit for concerts, but I dont believe that is the policy here.

Michael thinks he can get a good job in KC, and make enough to cover both of our salaries currently. Because of this fact, and because there is no hockey, I would not be able to advance my photography career, and so I have nixed the idea.

Also, KC is a bunch of retarded rednecks. :)
Yeah I'm with you all in saying I'm disgusted when hearing this. It's really no surprise then when bands we all want to see tour the states, don't.